
List of Codex Entries for Category Bestiary grouped by the planet they can be found on.
Planet nameCodex Entry NameLevelClassFactionCoordinatesGuide


Iraida28 X:418, Y:1430guide icon
Thranta28 X:-412, Y:-200guide icon
Vorn Tiger28 X:-175, Y:-2041guide icon
Bolraida28 X:1050, Y:-621guide icon
Kath Hound50 X:1550, Y:536guide icon
Manka Cat7 X:169, Y:-446guide icon


Bormu16 X:-1273, Y:1313guide icon
Zeldrate16 X:-1029, Y:137guide icon
Mutated Colicoid18EmpireX:1279, Y:228guide icon
Wingmaw16 X:0, Y:0guide icon


Baspoor Glider40 X:471, Y:907guide icon
Acklay40 X:-337, Y:547guide icon
Rancor40 X:-797, Y:2276guide icon
Lurker40 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Kintan Crusher40 X:-227, Y:-1538guide icon
Bogwing41 X:-106, Y:724guide icon
Varactyl32 X:-351, Y:1617guide icon


Salky Hound10RepublicX:1320, Y:3968guide icon
Cthon14RepublicX:1055, Y:4520guide icon

Dromund Kaas

Yozusk11 X:-208, Y:1781guide icon
Sleen13 X:-400, Y:949guide icon
Jurgoran13 X:224, Y:392guide icon
Vine Cat13 X:-846, Y:1449guide icon
Gundark11 X:769, Y:699guide icon


Icetromper36 X:-1707, Y:-893guide icon
Pantran Whitefang36 X:924, Y:-138guide icon
Skel36 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Tauntaun36 X:-2852, Y:1138guide icon
Wampa36 X:-2822, Y:-40guide icon


Xuvva5EmpireX:296, Y:28guide icon
Akk Dog5 X:-186, Y:420guide icon
Chemilizard5EmpireX:-88, Y:-127guide icon


Asharl Panther50 X:-2055, Y:-765guide icon


K’lor’slug1EmpireX:-130, Y:-120guide icon
Tuk’ata4EmpireX:597, Y:29guide icon
The Beast of Marka Ragnos (Warrior)5Sith WarriorEmpire  
Shyrack6EmpireX:352, Y:-322guide icon


Barbed Ginx1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Underwalker1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Exoboar1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Isotope-5 Droids1RepublicX:0, Y:0guide icon
Pterathki1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Yara1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Makrin Creeper1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Vrake1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Subteroth1 X:0, Y:0guide icon

Nar Shaddaa

Gundark11 X:769, Y:699guide icon
Vrblther20EmpireX:4249, Y:224guide icon

Ord Mantell

Gapillian Grazer3RepublicX:596, Y:-509guide icon
Razoronn7RepublicX:649, Y:185guide icon
Savrip8RepublicX:-657, Y:-524guide icon


Trinthan Prowler36 X:379, Y:57guide icon
Harvap36 X:-32, Y:-337guide icon
Harvorisk36 X:566, Y:290guide icon
Lobel36 X:-192, Y:651guide icon


Kowakian Monkey-Lizard55 X:789, Y:-42guide icon
Skar’kla55 X:232, Y:-187guide icon
Tonitran55 X:148, Y:212guide icon
Orobird55 X:-474, Y:-183guide icon
Grophet55 X:-440, Y:-236guide icon


Rakghoul16 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Bogstalker16 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Ferrazid Hound16 X:-600, Y:40guide icon
Nekghoul16 X:1696, Y:286guide icon
Nexu16 X:-633, Y:1230guide icon
Tarsarian Devourer32EmpireX:-1169, Y:896guide icon
Varactyl32 X:-351, Y:1617guide icon


Wraid24 X:1221, Y:-312guide icon
Sandtusker24 X:-1876, Y:-1556guide icon
Dewback24 X:849, Y:615guide icon
Bantha24 X:1308, Y:-857guide icon
Reek24 X:1020, Y:-237guide icon
Sand Demon24Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight X:0, Y:0guide icon
Scyk24 X:-1332, Y:-1615guide icon
Womp Rat24 X:-642, Y:-1490guide icon
Duneclaw24 X:1960, Y:-625guide icon
Rill24 X:1817, Y:731guide icon


Uxibeast1RepublicX:-96, Y:-925guide icon
Tythonian War Droid5RepublicX:-442, Y:254guide icon
Guid6RepublicX:-379, Y:-225guide icon
Horranth8RepublicX:-18, Y:138guide icon
Terentatek36RepublicX:0, Y:0guide icon
Manka Cat7 X:169, Y:-446guide icon
Wingmaw16 X:0, Y:0guide icon


Shaclaw44 X:1187, Y:-322guide icon
Mawvorr44 X:720, Y:390guide icon
Cyberbeasts44 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Vorantikus44 X:-1280, Y:-1480guide icon

Yavin 4

Krakjya58 X:2705, Y:342guide icon
Stoneray58 X:2786, Y:316guide icon


Mantellian FlutterplumeRepublicX:701, Y:-1870guide icon
Dragonbat X:-752, Y:-121guide icon
Lisk X:0, Y:0guide icon
Nerf28 X:3180, Y:250guide icon
Akure, the Ghost in the Darkness (Bounty Hunter)40Bounty HunterEmpireX:91, Y:2095guide icon
Kell Dragon50 X:0, Y:0guide icon

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4 Responses to Bestiary

  1. Comment by metalas made on January 29, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    u can obtain the terentatek bestiary codex in the maelstorm prison flashpoint upon killing an <> terentatek there are enought in the fp

  2. Comment by JediWarrior made on October 8, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    I have a Jedi Knight character, I’m 69/75 for the Bestiary in my codex.

    I believe I have all of the ones that are listed as fixed on this website.

    I also already have the Asharl Panther bestiary codex entry from doing the Gree Event.

    But the only ones I can think of that are bugged for my class, but are listed here on this website are:

    1. Gundark
    2. Vribther

    Can someone please tell me anymore of them?

    • Comment by Arne R made on July 27, 2016 at 9:35 pm

      The Gundark on DK is at x770 y116

    • Comment by Jyla made on July 6, 2018 at 11:20 am

      This is way too late to help the OP, but for anyone else: Republic characters can obtain a few of the Dromund Kaas beast lore, like Gundarks, in the Knights of the _______ chapter where you visit Kaas. I believe that there may be an entry for killing the Eyeless during the Rakghoul event as well. Vribther entry is found in one of the Nar Shaddaa heroic areas.