While finishing the quests on any planet you will receive planet commendations as a quest reward or monsters’ drop. On starting planet (in this case Tython) you need to collect 8 Tython Commendations for buying light or medium armor chest. Specialty Goods Vendors are usually located in the main city/temple. On Tython you can find Shiden – Specialty Goods Vendor in the Jedi Temple Cantina.
On the Republic Fleet Carrick Sattion commendation vendors are located to the South-East side of the map in the SUPPLIES AREA. You can find there the following Vendors:
- Alderaan Comendations Vendor
- Balmorra Comendations Vendor
- Belsavis Comendations Vendor
- Corellia Comendations Vendor
- Coruscant Comendations Vendor
- Hoth Comendations Vendor
- Nar Shaddaa Comendations Vendor
- Ord Mantell Comendations Vendor
- Taris Comendations Vendor
- Tatooine Comendations Vendor
- Tython Comendations
- Voss Comendations
Can you make a list of what quests are daily and give commendations in each planet?
I think there are a few.
I second that, please make a list of items available from each of the commendations vendors.
I would like to see the listings of what each vendor has also. Especially the DAILY commendation vendors!! Where are they and what do they have?