Game Rules

List of Codex Entries for Category Game Rules grouped by the planet they can be found on.
Planet nameCodex Entry NameLevelClassFactionCoordinatesGuide


Group Content   
Phasing and Story Areas   
Other Players   
Galactic Strongholds1   
Space Combat1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Heat1Bounty HunterEmpire  
Item Modifications1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Bounty Hunter1Bounty HunterEmpire  
Energy1Imperial AgentEmpire  
Jedi Consular1Jedi ConsularRepublic  
Sith Warrior1Sith WarriorEmpire  
Sith Inquisitor1Sith InquisitorEmpireX:-438, Y:-25guide icon
Jedi Knight1Jedi KnightRepublic  
Energy Cells1TrooperRepublic  
Imperial Agent1Imperial AgentEmpire  
Social Points1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Advanced Class: Vanguard10Trooper   
Advanced Class: Sniper10Imperial AgentEmpire  
Advanced Class: Powertech10Bounty HunterEmpire  
Advanced Class: Sith Marauder10Sith WarriorEmpire  
Advanced Class: Jedi Shadow10Jedi ConsularRepublic  
Advanced Class: Jedi Sentinel10Jedi KnightRepublic  
Advanced Class: Sith Sorcerer10Sith InquisitorEmpire  
Advanced Class: Sith Juggernaut10Sith WarriorEmpire  
Combat Ratings10   
Advanced Class: Commando10TrooperRepublic  
Advanced Class: Jedi Sage10Jedi ConsularRepublic  
Advanced Class: Sith Assassin10Sith InquisitorEmpire  
Advanced Class: Gunslinger10SmugglerRepublic  
Advanced Class: Operative10Imperial AgentEmpire  
Advanced Class: Mercenary10Bounty HunterEmpire  
Advanced Class: Scoundrel10SmugglerRepublic  
Advanced Class: Jedi Guardian10Jedi KnightRepublic  
Advanced Gear50   

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2 Responses to Game Rules

  1. Comment by Zahiz made on August 18, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    Where do I find the Combat Ratings Entry?

  2. Comment by JediWarrior made on October 1, 2014 at 9:51 am

    There was a new codex entry added for the Game Rules section in the 2.9 patch update for each faction called “Galactic Strongholds”.

    The codex entry can be found at 2 places for each faction: The factions fleet and the capital planet.


    Republic Fleet – Located at the Strongholds & Crew skills area on fleet; there is a clickable plaque next to the hologram of Pargon Sisto, the Stronghold Commisioner.

    Coruscant – Located at the Senate Plaza. There is a clickable plaque next to the hologram of Pargon Sisto, the Stronghold Commisioner. The coordinates are (-1143,1428)


    Imperial Fleet – Located at the Strongholds & Crew skills area on fleet; there is a clickable plaque next to the hologram of Ajolin, the Stronghold Commissioner.

    Dromund Kaas – Located in Kass City. There is a clickable plaque next to the hologram of Ajolin, the Stronghold Commisioner. The coordinates are (-123,136)