Achievement: Epic Enemies

List of Codex Entries for Category Achievement: Epic Enemies grouped by the planet they can be found on.
Planet nameCodex Entry NameLevelClassFactionCoordinatesGuide


Ulgo Siegebreaker35 X:300, Y:-200guide icon


Grandfather22EmpireX:-1900, Y:1300guide icon


The Primal Destroyer50 X:-454, Y:-3429guide icon


SD-012RepublicX:2553, Y:999guide icon

Dromund Kaas

The First18EmpireX:222, Y:1599guide icon


Snowblind44 X:333, Y:1075guide icon
Gargath49 X:-2099, Y:392guide icon

Nar Shaddaa

Battle Droid R4-GL31 X:2000, Y:2880guide icon


Rogue Cartel Warbot38 X:300, Y:200guide icon


Subject Alpha21RepublicX:-455, Y:791guide icon
The Ancient One38EmpireX:-800, Y:-656guide icon


Trapjaw35 X:-1776, Y:-870guide icon


Yadira Ban10EmpireX:2013, Y:-1108guide icon
Prophet of Vodal20   
Battlelord Kreshan21 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Prophet of Vodal22 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Mavrix Varad23   
General Ortol28   
Storm Squad Veterans34Empire  
General Edikar34Republic  
Grand Moff Kilran38Republic  
Annihilator 6K-A240   
Darth Ikoral44   
Survived Zorn and Toth (Hard)50   
Operator IX (Story)50   
Survived Colonel Vorgath (Story)50   
Operator IX (Nightmare)50   
Thrasher (Hard)50   
Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Story)50   
Survived TheTerror from Beyond (Nightmare)50   
Surgok’k50 X:-1523, Y:-890guide icon
Survived Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Story)50   
The Dread Guards (Story)50   
Survived Operator IX (Nightmare)50   
Survived Warlord Kephess (Hard)50   
Survived Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Hard)50   
Doctor Lorrick (Hard)50   
Survived Writhing Horror (Hard)50   
Asation Station (Timed Run)50   
Survived Kephess the Undying (Hard)50   
Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Hard)50   
Survived Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Nightmare)50   
Thrasher (Story)50   
Survived Colonel Vorgath (Hard)50   
Survived Kephess the Undying (Nightmare)50   
The Sandstorm Juggernaut (Hard)50   
Xenoanalyst II (Hard Mode)50   
Survived Zorn and Toth (Story)50   
Olok the Shadow (Hard)50   
Dread Master Styrak (Story)50   
Survived Warlord Kephess (Nightmare)50   
Olok the Shadow (Nightmare)50   
Warlord Kephess (Story)50   
Survived The Terror from Beyond (Story)50   
Survived Kephess the Undying (Story)50   
Kephess the Undying (Nightmare)50   
Kephess the Undying (Hard)50   
Survived Soa (Normal Mode)50   
Bonethrasher (Hard Mode)50   
Darth Serevin (Hard Mode)50 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Survived Annihilation Droid XRR-3 (Nightmare Mode)50   
Darth Malgus50   
Darth Serevin50   
The Four Warlords (Hard)50   
Vokk (Hard Mode)50Republic  
Titan 6 (Hard)50   
Annihilation Droid XRR-3 (Nightmare Mode)50   
Survived Warlord Kephess (Story)50   
Terror from Beyond (Nightmare)50   
The Four Warlords (Nightmare)50   
Mentor (Hard Mode)50   
Survived Soa (Hard Mode)50   
Dread Master Styrak (Hard)50   
Ancient Pylons50   
Gharj (Hard Mode)50   
Bonethrasher (Nightmare Mode)50   
Infernal Council50   
Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Nightmare)50   
Survived Soa (Nightmare Mode)50   
Darvannis (Timed Run)50   
Survived the Infernal Council (Hard Mode)50   
Ancient Pylons (Nightmare Mode)50   
Soa (Hard Mode)50   
Annihilation Droid XRR-350   
Dreadtooth (Nightmarish)50   
Soa (Nightmare Mode)50   
Survived Gharj (Nightmare Mode)50   
Infernal Council50   
Survived Gharj (Normal Mode)50   
Zorn and Toth (Nightmare)50   
Annihilation Droid XRR-3 (Hard Mode)50   
Survived Karagga the Unyielding (Nightmare Mode)50   
Survived the Ancient Pylons (Normal Mode)50   
Ancient Pylons (Hard Mode)50   
Survived G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator (Normal Mode)50   
G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator (Hard Mode)50   
Writhing Horror (Nightmare)50   
Dreadtooth (Frenzied)50   
Survived Annihilation Droid XRR-3 (Hard Mode)50   
Terror from Beyond (Story)50   
Revan (Hard Mode)50Empire  
Zorn and Toth (Hard)50   
The Sandstorm Juggernaut (Story)50   
Jarg and Sorno50   
Thrasher (Nightmare)50   
Survived the Infernal Council (Nightmare Mode)50   
Karagga the Unyielding (Hard Mode)50   
Karagga the Unyielding (Nightmare Mode)50   
Commander Lk’Graagth50   
Survived Annihilation Droid XRR-3 (Normal Mode)50   
Karagga the Unyielding50   
Yadira Ban (Hard Mode)50Empire  
Survived Writhing Horror (Nightmare)50   
Infernal Council50   
Survived Gharj (Hard Mode)50   
Jarg and Sorno (Nightmare Mode)50   
Survived Zorn and Toth (Nightmare)50   
Titan 6 (Story)50   
Gharj (Nightmare Mode)50   
Complete Hutt Hospitality in two hours on nightmare mode50   
The Sandstorm Juggernaut (Nightmare)50   
Survived the Ancient Pylons (Hard Mode)50   
Survived Jarg and Sorno (Normal Mode)50   
Survived the Ancient Pylons (Nightmare Mode)50   
General Edikar (Hard Mode)50Republic  
Gravak’k50 X:-2479, Y:-896guide icon
Grand Moff Kilran (Hard Mode)50Republic  
Denova (Timed Run)50   
Darth Malgus (Hard Mode)50   
Survived the Infernal Council (Normal Mode)50   
Colonel Vorgath (Hard)50   
The Four Warlords (Story)50   
Warlord Kephess (Nightmare)50   
Foreman Crusher (Nightmare Mode)50   
G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator50   
Foreman Crusher (Hard Mode)50   
Foreman Crusher50   
Jarg and Sorno (Hard Mode)50   
Terror from Beyond (Hard)50   
Survived G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator (Hard Mode)50   
Survived Karagga the Unyielding (Normal Mode)50   
Colonel Vorgath (Nightmare)50   
Titan 6 (Nightmare)50   
Xenoanalyst II50 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Survived Operator IX (Hard)50   
The Dread Guards (Hard)50   
Survived Bonethrasher (Nightmare Mode)50   
Kephess the Undying (Story)50   
Dread Master Styrak (Nightmare)50   
Survived Foreman Crusher (Nightmare Mode)50   
Survived The Dread Guards (Story)50   
The Eternity Vault (Timed Run)50   
Survived Bonethrasher (Hard Mode)50   
Colonel Vorgath (Story)50   
Survived Foreman Crusher (Hard Mode)50   
Survived Bonethrasher (Normal Mode)50   
Writhing Horror (Hard)50   
Survived G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator (Nightmare Mode)50   
Survived Foreman Crusher (Normal Mode)50   
Doctor Lorrick (Normal)50 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Survived Operator IX (Story)50   
G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator (Nightmare Mode)50   
Survived Jarg and Sorno (Nightmare Mode)50   
Survived Karagga the Unyielding (Hard Mode)50   
Survived Jarg and Sorno (Hard Mode)50   
Olok the Shadow (Story)50   
Commander Lk’Graagth (Hard Mode)50   
Writhing Horror (Story)50   
Survived Writhing Horror (Story)50   
The Nightmare Pilgrim50   
Survived Colonel Vorgath (Nightmare)50   
Zorn and Toth (Story)50   
Survived The Dread Guards (Nightmare)50   
Survived the Dread Guards (Hard)50   
Survived The Terror from Beyond (Hard)50   
Dreadtooth (Corrupted)50   
The Dread Guards (Nightmare)50   
Dreadful Entity50   
Warlord Kephess (Hard)50   
Operator IX (Hard)50   

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