
List of Codex Entries for Category Species grouped by the planet they can be found on.
Planet nameCodex Entry NameLevelClassFactionCoordinatesGuide


Killik28 X:1180, Y:1515guide icon


Gran16EmpireX:-234, Y:1282guide icon
Colicoid16 X:-350, Y:-290guide icon


Trandoshan1 X:-1472, Y:959guide icon
Gen’Dai20 X:-1151, Y:1526guide icon


Drall1 X:3381, Y:-2251guide icon
Selonian1 X:-3648, Y:-1030guide icon


Sullustan10RepublicX:-1228, Y:-4450guide icon
Nautolan11RepublicX:2348, Y:814guide icon
Gree11RepublicX:-1056, Y:-4693guide icon
Gand12RepublicX:2225, Y:813guide icon
Advozse1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Ugnaught4 X:2499, Y:1269guide icon

Dromund Kaas

Chevin11EmpireX:-471, Y:685guide icon
Kubaz12EmpireX:-496, Y:697guide icon


Talz36 X:-695, Y:1416guide icon
Chiss 36 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Ortolan36 X:-739, Y:1351guide icon


Advozse1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Evocii3EmpireX:0, Y:0guide icon
Hutt9EmpireX:473, Y:673guide icon
Ugnaught4 X:2499, Y:1269guide icon


Sith Pureblood5EmpireX:-342, Y:-2guide icon
Abyssin7EmpireX:28, Y:-173guide icon
Dashade7Sith InquisitorEmpireX:-270, Y:-91guide icon


Selkath1 X:0, Y:0guide icon

Nar Shaddaa

Weequay1 X:-1082, Y:-699guide icon

Ord Mantell

Kel Dor1SmugglerRepublic  
Mon Calamari1SmugglerRepublic  
Rodian2RepublicX:100, Y:-60guide icon
Cathar2RepublicX:242, Y:-43guide icon


Rishii55 X:986, Y:11guide icon


Gamorrean24 X:1519, Y:165guide icon
Geonosian24 X:626, Y:-2546guide icon
Rakata24 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Jawa24 X:1009, Y:-2744guide icon
Sand People24 X:0, Y:0guide icon


Flesh Raiders2RepublicX:37, Y:-741guide icon
Twi’lek3RepublicX:126, Y:-345guide icon
Zabrak8RepublicX:-231, Y:-47guide icon


Voss1 X:-124, Y:273guide icon
Gormak1 X:146, Y:2445guide icon

Yavin 4

Massassi58 X:1519, Y:720guide icon


Chagrian1 X:-914, Y:-1028guide icon
Arcona1 X:-1042, Y:-845guide icon
Togruta1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Kaleesh1 X:-670, Y:2103guide icon
Nikto1 X:-1086, Y:-716guide icon
Esh-kha1 X:-2067, Y:-1588guide icon
Ithorian1 X:-916, Y:-1049guide icon
Devaronian1 X:0, Y:0guide icon
Neimoidian1 X:-983, Y:-745guide icon
Anomid36 X:-174, Y:1986guide icon

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4 Responses to Species

  1. Comment by Alych made on July 30, 2013 at 9:39 pm

    Put coordinates and guide icon on Chagrian, because inside there is solution how to get it.

    • Comment by lokesh made on August 1, 2013 at 9:34 am

      There it is, sorry for the delay.

  2. Comment by JediWarrior made on December 23, 2013 at 12:11 am

    Please create a “Species” section for the planet Belsavis and put the following species in that section:

    Kaleesh, Esh-kha, Trandoshan, Anomid

  3. Comment by JediWarrior made on October 8, 2014 at 8:02 pm

    I have a Jedi Knight character, I’m 38/42 for species in my codex.

    I believe I have all of the ones that are listed as fixed on this website.

    But the only ones I can think of that are bugged, but are listed here on this website are:

    2.Kel dor
    3.Mon Calamari
    4.Cathar (Only obtainable by Trooper/Smuggler Class)

    Anyone know any others I could be missing?