Coordinates:X: -270, Y: -91Additional information:I got this Codex Entry when turning in the Sith Inquisitor class quest Martial Law.Original Game Codex TextAs fearsome as they are scarce, Dashades are the hulking survivors of a long-dead planet. Their homeworld, Urkupp, was destroyed a millennium ago, leaving scant few of their kind left; a live Dashade is a rare sight these days.Prior to Urkupp’s destruction, they were feared for their inherent resistance to the Force; Jedi and Sith alike often found their powers useless against the Dashades. While the Jedi generally preferred to avoid them, many Sith Lords took advantage of their unique abilities and employed Dashades as assassins to dispose of Jedi and rival Sith. |
key facts
Faction: Empire Class: Sith Inquisitor Level: 7 Planet: Korriban advertisement |
Dashade |
Is this one available to SIth Warrior? Or only to Inquisitor?
Can this be obtained by an Imperial Agent?
I personally went with an Inquisitor through the story quest zone that gives them their companion (this entry), and they got the codex. I did not (as a Warrior). Either bugged codex, or there’s another alien wandering somewhere for us. I think they intended to give Warrior the Twilek codex as our 3rd, but this is given much later in the game, and they forgot.
Can’t get this as a warrior so far. Finished Korriban and have been wandering around clicking on Khem Vals and this doesn’t work either.
to update the info This codex is only available at this time on korriban as sith inquisiter not on sith warrior!
only inq now