Dromund Kaas Codex Entries

List of Codex Entries you can find on the Planet Dromund Kaas grouped by Codex Category so you can track which Codex entries you found on the planet you are on.
Codex CategoryCodex Entry NameLevelClassFactionCoordinatesGuide

Achievement: Datacrons

Assembly Chamber10EmpireX:-1902, Y:532guide icon
Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism15EmpireX:-1219, Y:209guide icon
Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus15EmpireX:-793, Y:1450guide icon
Galactic History 18: The Hutt Cataclysms15EmpireX:-187, Y:1738guide icon
Galactic History 21: The Birth of the Mandalorians15EmpireX:581, Y:798guide icon
Galactic History 19: The Pius Dea Crusades15EmpireX:855, Y:643guide icon

Achievement: Epic Enemies

The First18EmpireX:222, Y:1599guide icon

Achievement: Titles

Revanite12EmpireX:0, Y:0guide icon


Yozusk11 X:-208, Y:1781guide icon
Gundark11 X:769, Y:699guide icon
Sleen13 X:-400, Y:949guide icon
Jurgoran13 X:224, Y:392guide icon
Vine Cat13 X:-846, Y:1449guide icon


Imperial Intelligence10EmpireX:101, Y:-584guide icon
The Sith Sanctum10EmpireX:-129, Y:-582guide icon
Kaas City10EmpireX:-191, Y:283guide icon
The Mandalorian Enclave10EmpireX:-328, Y:-554guide icon
The Wilds10EmpireX:0, Y:0guide icon
The Citadel10EmpireX:0, Y:0guide icon
The Unfinished Colossus11EmpireX:469, Y:1064guide icon
Revanite Compound12EmpireX:-803, Y:1141guide icon
Grathan Estate13EmpireX:-637, Y:1592guide icon
The Dark Temple15EmpireX:-1763, Y:426guide icon


Monument to Lord Ergast10 X:-339, Y:171guide icon
The Spires of Victory10 X:-174, Y:115guide icon
The Obliteration of Kressh14 X:-1007, Y:1169guide icon
Sithspawn15 X:-350, Y:1121guide icon
Lord Parnax’s Lost Recordings15   
The Blade of the Sith Executioner15   
The Phobis Devices15   


Mandalorians10EmpireX:-308, Y:-682guide icon
Rebelling Slaves11EmpireX:-84, Y:446guide icon
Hadra Forces12EmpireX:-510, Y:894guide icon
Revanites15EmpireX:0, Y:0guide icon
Grathan Forces15EmpireX:-405, Y:1544guide icon

Persons of Note

Darth Jadus (Agent)12Imperial AgentEmpire  


Kuat Drive Yards D5-Mantis Patrol Craft (Bounty Hunter)15Bounty HunterEmpire  
X-70B Phantom-class Prototype (Agent)15Imperial AgentEmpire  
Fury-class Imperial Interceptor (Warrior/Inquisitor)15Sith Warrior, Sith InquisitorEmpireX:-29, Y:-688guide icon


Chevin11EmpireX:-471, Y:685guide icon
Kubaz12EmpireX:-496, Y:697guide icon

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11 Responses to Dromund Kaas Codex Entries

  1. Comment by GeordanUK made on December 29, 2011 at 5:21 pm

    Datacron: Galactic History 21: The Birth of the Mandelorians: X:582 Y:799 Z:115

  2. Comment by tkrausse made on February 9, 2012 at 3:14 am

    As a note, I found a clickable but broken “Item with no name” inside the inner temple (inquis story section) of the dark temple. I put in a ticket; not sure what it was supposed to be, but appeared to be lore.

  3. Comment by Freldrick made on April 13, 2012 at 10:28 am

    Sith Warrior:

    Person of Note:

    Commander Rylon (Warrior)

    One of Darth Baras’s spies, Commander Rylon is a true loyalist who has mastered the difficult art of serving the Empire by blending in with the enemy and gaining his trust, serving for years as a commander in the Republic-aided Balmorran resistance.

    Until recently, only his son–a young Balmorran officer–has known his identity, but now he is in danger of being revealed by a Jedi Padawan with the peculiar and powerful ability to detect a person’s true allegiance. Darth Baras sees a threat to one of his agents as a threat to his entire operation and has ordered that Commander Rylon be eliminated, along with his secret.

    • Comment by Freldrick made on April 13, 2012 at 10:29 am

      appologies.. i mistaken this codex entry when viewing it on my codex… please delete!

  4. Comment by Aaron made on December 21, 2012 at 12:46 am

    I have found the Chevin on Dromund Kaas (Coordinates x-474, y-26) for the Species entry, yet it isn’t unlockable. I have found a couple of other sites that say this is a bug. Do you know if that is correct? I also have a screen shot that I could send.

  5. Comment by Amanda made on June 28, 2013 at 5:51 am

    Yozusk 11 X:-199, Y:1827

    Coords are way off … x:-208 y: 1781 is where i got it after trying those coords for over half an hour.

    • Comment by lokesh made on June 28, 2013 at 5:41 pm

      I see why that can be a problem. Thank you for pointing that out Amanda. You can save your time by clicking on actual link next time, since there is a picture of that specific creature, hehe 😀 .

      • Comment by Rebecca Coles made on February 3, 2014 at 2:01 am

        Found gases forces, revanites and world boss the first completed tasks but codex did not update. So frustrating.

  6. Comment by Rebecca Coles made on February 3, 2014 at 2:03 am

    Should read hadra forces silly auto text

  7. Comment by Rebecca Coles made on February 3, 2014 at 12:27 pm

    Yozusk x 208 y 1781 it’s in the positive range just above the malignant bog datacron.

  8. Comment by SouthGaBoy made on March 7, 2016 at 12:56 am

    I also have the Chevin codex that some people cant seem to find, it is located in the same camp as the quest giver for the Kubaz Codex, just follow the instructions given at the URL below to find the Kubaz Codex quest giver and the Chevin is standing over by the fire, click the crate/box behind him and next to the tent. The URL is [URL=”https://swtorcodextracking.wordpress.com/planet-dromund-kaas-codex/”]https://swtorcodextracking.wordpress.com/planet-dromund-kaas-codex/[/URL]