Coordinates:X: -471, Y: 685Additional information:Codex available at X:-471, Y:685, Z:-24, behind Nonzo Oshorr. It is a crate/box beside the tent.We would like to thank Xirtam and Sadis for additional information. Original Game Codex TextNatives of the planet Vinsoth, the Chevin are long-snouted, stubby-legged aliens known for their quick intelligence and underworld dealings. The most famous Chevin gangster was the slave Adamar Kirb, who managed to establish his own cartel on the Hutt-dominated world of Nar Shaddaa. While his cartel eventually broke apart into many smaller gangs, his influence is still felt.Because of their business savvy, underworld connections and starship expertise, the Empire considers the Chevin a useful, if weak, potential ally in the ongoing galactic conflict with the Republic, though as with most aliens, most of the Chevin within the Empire are slaves. |
key facts
Faction: Empire Level: 11 Planet: Dromund Kaas advertisement |
Chevin |
anyone know where to find this one?
There are some located at the encampment at
-470,-26 but i can’t figure out how to get the codex.
I found this encampment too, seems to be the only location I’ve seen them on the planet so far (though my coords match yours for player, the cursor location is about -494, 718 for those searching the map.
There is one of them you can speak to, others can’t be targeted. Name is Nonzo oshorr but all he says is “It is difficult here, on this world”
In one of the earlier beta builds I found this entry by doing a bread crumb quest started by “Apprentice Frun” (-170, 95;near the Spires of Victory).
I don’t recall the quest name and have not seen it in the later beta builds or live version. The quest Frun gave led to the encampment of these guys.
anyone know where this codex is, i cant seem to find it at all
this seems to be bugs i am at the camp click on the name chevin but nothing happens
Codex available @ X:-471, Y:685, Z:-24, behind Nonzo Oshorr. It’s a crate/box beside the tent.
06/10/2014 (french date) : This entry can be found @ -468, 685,25
Go to the area that has them and look beside the tent there is a box that is glowing that is your codex entry