- All the quests in the game with branching options and screenshot walkthroughs
- Items database with tools to help you find best in slot items
- Companion information with their quests, items and gifts.
- Datacron information
- Crew Skills information and extensive crafting tools
- Guides for all aspects of the game
- NPCs, Planets, Maps, Classes, Races and all that jazz
We are very picky about the information and the presentation of information we look for about a certain topic. This drives us to create information sources of our own. Unlike some other databases out there we will not rely solely on visitor input but want to create as much content as we can up front, and then let the community expands it if they find it fitting.
We hope we’ll become your stop before, during and after playing Star Wars: The Old Republic game on a daily bases by providing you with content in new and innovative ways. All of your feedback, good or bad, is always welcome and we encourage you to use the comment system and our forums to let us know how you feel about the site and the information you are finding on it. It will only make us better and help us provide you with a better experience on our site and in-game. Also feel free to emails us at

Yours Sincerely,
Swtor Spy Staff
Srdjan “The Spy” Stanarevic, Editor in Chief
Nadezda Stanarevic, Editor and Content manager
Miroslav “Lokesh” Popovic, Content Editor
I want to place ads on your website to promote my online games. Is that ok with you?
Joyce, you asked if they would put ads for your game here. Do you see any ad banners here for anything? No? Well there’s your answer!
Understanding you want to retain copyright etc. I would highly suggest that you find a less obvious place to put the SWTORSPY banner on the images. I attempted to follow the instructions and review the screen shots and found that the banner covered the more important visual references. In addition, there was inconsistency in the image sizes making some impossible to read. Had to move onto another site. 🙁
I am super grateful for this website, it’s helped me a lot. But I have a suggestion that I think would improve usability a lot. I use the mission guides, this is an example of a great one: http://www.swtor-spy.com/guides/swtor-an-emerging-dread/3918
The problem is the thumbnails and the way they open. They open in the same page, so ok I just right click and open in a new tab.. but then I’m clicking back and forth to read the instructions and look at the image, and then closing the new tab and going back to open the next image in another new tab.. it’s a little tedious to do whilst playing. So I installed HoverZoom in Chrome to help.. but for some reason this is the only site this app won’t work on. So my suggestions: Have a “Next Image” button on series of images from guides so we can navigate without going back and forth and/(preferably)or allow full sized photos in guides instead of thumbnails or a way to enlarge them within the current page for the reasons above. Again, love the site. Thank you.
i have a ask
when i have equip the clothes……how caan i send it to one of myy swtor characters?
because you have to buy it in the game -.-
Hey @all.
I have a question so… does this helmet even exist in the game or not?
your pop up videos are ruining a great site. I can’t play the game and have your site up at the same time, without having everything slow to a crawl. Because the videos keep coming up every minute.
I have attempted to contact you and file a grievance about the website but that link brings up the 404 cannot find page. I have an issue with the videos that pop up and make it difficult for me to return for information. Prior to the stupid videos popping up, your website was awesome. Now I attempt to locate the information elsewhere and I don’t recommend your site. Please allow the videos to be disabled and not pop up every couple of minutes.
The internet is sadly under-informed about the latest SWTOR game info. Apparently, so many changes happened in 4.0 that a guide is needed, but no one is publishing, not even you.
You did such a fantastic job with this site, I wish you would continue with updates this year.
Wistfully Yours,
A Returning Founder
So, first let me thank you for all the great info (this is until now the only site i found that got the info about all the bosses and epic enemies and where to find them).
But do you still update this site? I would have some screenshots for location and such for Snowblind (WB on Hoth) but for the contact link i’m only getting a 404.
Found Codex entry for Wingmaw on Tython. Coordinates are (X)228, (Y)-48
Kill a Wingmaw Bonecleaner
I have screenshots if any are requested!
Hello everybody. I’m not quite sure if this site is still being maintained, but if any of the staff are still around – I want to thank you for all your hard work in creating this vast database. It has helped me numerous times in finding codex entries, datacrons and elite/champion NPCs.
Can you update the datacrons for the new planets? Thanks