Codex is the encyclopedia of important places and people you encountered while playing Star Wars: The Old Republic™. It records People of Interest, Species, Lore and many more categories, including Achievements and Titles your character can acquire. Below you will find links to lists of these Codex Entries separated not only by the Codex Category they belong to, but also by Planet these Codex Entries can be found on. We believe that it will be easier for you to collect all of these entries if you can see the list per planet, to go along with you questing on a particular planet.
List of Codex Entries
AlderaanBalmorraBelsavisCorelliaCoruscantDromund KaasHothHuttaIlumKorribanMakebManaanNar ShaddaaOrd MantellOriconQueshRakata PrimeRishiTarisTatooineTythonUnknown PlanetVossYavin 4