Coordinates:X: 2348, Y: 814Additional information:You will receive this codex while accepting the quest For Better or Worse from Nik DeleruWe would like to thank Tyson Webster for sending us the information. Original Game Codex TextAmphibious humanoids from the planet Glee Anselm, Nautolans are distinguished by their tentacle-like head-tresses. Because of its primarily aquatic surface and its location off the major hyperlanes, only a handful of outsiders have ever visited Glee Anselm; as a result, little is known about Nautolan culture on their homeworld, though extrapolations can be made from those individuals who venture out into the greater galaxy.Despite their aquatic origins, Nautolans can breathe air and are completely at home on land, and they can be found in a wide variety of professions. They have a reputation for being both smart and practical, and the existence of several Nautolan Jedi speaks to an affinity with the Force. With the arrival of the Empire, the Nautolans fought alongside the Republic, although some among them fear this will lead to unnecessary suffering for their people. |
key facts
Faction: Republic Level: 11 Planet: Coruscant advertisement |
Nautolan |
Location of Codex entry is x: 2348 Y:814 Z:432
when accepting Quest – For Better or Worse from Nik Deleru
This quest looks like it has been removed from the game.