Coordinates:X: 418, Y: 1430Additional information:You need to kill a “viscious Lraida”(Strong) to get this codex. Also spotted at X:310 Y:1854.We would like to thank Lacrima and Khazzy for additional information. Original Game Codex TextIraidas are a species of predatory reptomammals native to Alderaan, known for their exceptional hearing and extreme resistance to cold. Although they are distantly related to the bolraida, iraidas have demonstrated a level of intelligence far superior to their vicious brethren; this has not only made them more cunning predators but has also led to their limited use as trained watch-beasts and gladiatorial challenges. |
key facts
Level: 28 Planet: Alderaan advertisement |
Iraida |
How do I complete this codex entry?
you Just need to kill a “viscious Lraida”(Strong) to get this codex.
Cord x310 y1854
I got mine on the north shore of the lake north of House Baliss