SWTOR Shadow of Revan Rishi datacrons +10 stats guide with screenshots and detailed information on how to collect all datacrons. Continue reading
Author Archives: lokesh
SWTOR Kuat Drive Yards Flashpoint guide with screenshots and detailed information about rewards, bosses, achievements and how to complete the fleshpoint. Continue reading
SWTOR Game Update 2.6: Galactic Starfighter introduces two new reputations. Republic First Fleet and Imperial Forward Command Reputation vendor location with items screenshots that can be bought from vendors. Continue reading
SWTOR Rakghoul Resurgence Plague Event guide with screenshots and detailed walkthrough on how to defeat bosses and find all pets. Continue reading
SWTOR Life Day Event Guide with screenshots of achievements’ rewards. The event lasts between December 17th, 2013 and January 1st, 2014 (begins and ends at 2am PST/ 10am GMT). Continue reading
SWTOR Galactic Starfigher Guide gives the main guidance about Starfighter Ships, upgrades, support crew and tips for space combat. Continue reading
Swtor Tatooine Kingpin Bounty Contract guide with screenshots and detailed information. Continue reading
Swtor Voss Kingpin Bounty Contract guide with screenshots and detailed information. Continue reading
Swtor Coruscant Kingpin Bounty Contract guode with screenshots and detailed information. Continue reading
Swtor Alderaan Kingpin Bounty Contract guide with screenshots and detailed information Continue reading