Swtor Voss Kingpin Bounty Contract

Swtor Voss Kingpin Bounty Contract takes place in the same area as the daily Voss Henchmen bounty contract. Instead of collecting information from Shady Characters and hunting one bounty target on Voss, this time after talking with Sama Zo, you should release Bounty Seeker Probes, find them and scan, and at the end lure out and kill or capture Eryn Talosa with a piece of priceless Voss Cultural Artifact.

[Group] Voss: Kingpin Bounty Walk through

Speak to Sama Zo on Voss

You can find Sama Zo on the bridge that connects Western and Eastern Voss-Ka. As soon as you finish interaction with Sama Zo, you will receive a mail from your Voss Bounty Target.

Release Bounty Seeker Probes Within Target Region

Since there are a lot of trees in this area, your next step will be a little harder.

Find and Scan Bounty Seeker Probes: 0/5

I found out that releasing Bounty Seeker Probes near the bridge is the best solution, since you can spot them more easily then with given macrobinoculars in upper right corner.

Borrow a Piece of the Priceless Voss Cultural Artifact

In order to pick up Voss Cultural Artifact you should jump onto the platform where Priceless Voss Cultural Artifact is located, inside Tower of Prophecy. There is a small piece of Artifact at the bottom of the big one, that you should interact with in order to borrow a piece.

Lure Out and Kill or Capture Eryn Talosa

Although Eryn Talosa is marked as a group boss, simple rules like, not staying inside the red circle target, moving out of High Powered Laser telegraph, dodging pulse canon cone, and defeating his three adds, is all you need to do in order to bring him down without any problems.

Return to Sama Zo on Voss, Turn in Completed Contract

Remember to use BBA Fleet Transport Authorization at the right upper corner of your screen, in order to return to your fleet faster.

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