Aim +4Coordinates:X: 1107, Y: 80Additional information:This datacron is on an island that you can get to only via a small “damaged lift” (starts at 1091, -10).There is additional and much simpler route to the Aim +4 datacron without the Lift. You can jumped up from the rocks on the SE side of the island.
| key facts
Datacron name: Aim +4 Planet: Alderaan Coordinates: X: 1107, Y: 80 Codex: Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution advertisement |
Presence +3Coordinates:X: -82, Y: -268Additional information:Located in The Glarus Valley you can get to this datacron if you ride a Thranta located at -415, -209
| key facts
Datacron name: Presence +3 Planet: Alderaan Coordinates: X: -82, Y: -268 Codex: Galactic History 45: The Krath Cult advertisement |
Willpower +3Coordinates:X: -2508, Y: -427Additional information:Located inside Castle Panteer you have to go through a crack in a door (-2489, -370). The datacron is on the 2nd floor.
| key facts
Datacron name: Willpower +3 Planet: Alderaan Coordinates: X: -2508, Y: -427 Codex: Galactic History 47: Naddist Rebels advertisement |
Strength +4Coordinates:X: 2190, Y: -2019Additional information:There are two ways to get this datacron. One involves buying an item from a vendor for 10.000 credits and other invloves skill with jumping.Use the item routeYou will need to buy a Magnetically Guided Grappling System (MGGS) at a vendor located at 1867, 1088 (south of Tarlarn Outpost). Next to the datacron there is a blue glowing Magnetic Stabilizer. Use your MGGS and hook onto the Magnetic Stabilizer to slide over to the datacron platform.
| key facts
Datacron name: Strength +4 Planet: Alderaan Coordinates: X: 2190, Y: -2019 Codex: Galactic History 46: Nadd’s Legacy |
Endurance +3Coordinates:X: 2721, Y: 2496Additional information:You need to get a Red Detonite Actuator at a vendor south of Tarlarn Outpost (1869, 1091). There is a cave (entrance at 2373, 2449) you need to go through (group area) to get to the datacron. The datacron itself is behind a cave wall. You will see a red light flashing and that is where you use the purchased item to blow the wall and expose the datacron.
| key facts
Datacron name: Endurance +3 Planet: Alderaan Coordinates: X: 2721, Y: 2496 Codex: Galactic History 44: The Jedi Nomi |
Just a general comment on the list of datacrons page, as there is no commenting there.
I think you shuold list the name and number of the datacron. So peopel can compare vs their list of Codex to find out which ones they are missing. There is room for it 😉
Great idea! 🙂
Actually, if u press “Y” and check your legacy, in “exploration” feat lists the datacrones u already collected 😉
For Endurance 3, one way that can help is queuing for warzones, then making your next “suicide sprint” as it queues and accepting it before you die. Also helps reset your probe cd
This is quite possibly the sneakiest most awesome method I’ve come across.
lol, ty. it kind of happened on accident with a long queue forgotten.
another thought on Presence +3:
if you go down into the water, its very visible on the left as you pass under the foundation of the bridgework high above.
For that first datacron Aim +4. I would like to point out that getting on that lift isnt fully needed. I just jumped up from the rocks on the side of the island where the lift goes over.
The jumping way is rather picky about where you must be standing but it’s totally doable.
Strenght on Alderaan? Just use the ladder. It is there for a reason 🙂
You dont even have to be a decent jumper to get the str datacron. Use your mount and its cake
Aim datacron. Start at the SE corner of the small island, 1127, 166. Jump up the rock, then continue to jump up and diagonal to the ne to get to the area that has the datacron.
How about showing a map for each world with all the datacrons for that world marked on it so that we can plan a route, as it is we have to move the mouse over the map to try and find each one and that is just the location of the datacron and not where the path to it starts. This would help a lot of players who end up having to zig-zag across the map getting each one.
For those still having trouble with the willpower datacron, I could not get my type 3 bounty hunter through using any of the solo suggestions. However, set autorun against the crack and then select “send companion to sell trash” popped me straight through .
You can make it to the Aim+4 without the Lift. At the opposite side of the isle you can climb the wall.. its not that easy but much more easy then this frustrating lift-jump
the easy way to get on the lift is to take sprint off and go to the other side, its closer to the landing, easiest jump i ever made, aim for the big square on the center of the lift
This was perfect!!!
strengt was bugged for me, had to jump, could not use the grapple thingie. Used it and got teleported back to where i was standing.
Is it just me, or is the ladder for the Strength datacron no longer working after the latest patch? 🙁
Not able to get up the ladder after the update.
It was surely top priority to fix this. Ways to get around bugs in the game must immediately removed!!
This was ironic…. 😉
still there just got it
Update for the data cron on alderman:
When getting the streagth datacron you can no longer jump up the ladder. You must purchase the mggs now.
I can confirm this
There is an easier way to get the aim datacron, go to the small island by the lake, then you can jump on a series of rocks from 1126/98/166 -just southeast of the island up to the platform where the lift would arrive.
I can provide a couple screenshots but looks like I can’t attach them from here 🙂
Lift appears to be disabled at this time. Rocks, with difficulty, is the only way I did it.
Need the MGGS for a couple of other datacrons, (including +10 to all), so it never hurt to get it anyways.
Can you elaborate on this? +10 to all?
There are special datacrons on the Fleet that require a group of people to get. For these you need the MGGS. Fleet_datacron_Stats10
for whatever reason- perhaps video card the ladder isnt working- but Im republic so I cant get the MGGS in that Imp town… the question is… Where else can I find a MGGS?
The MGGS is not in an imperial held area. It’s actually just south of an Imp base, all alone. You should be able to go there and get the MGGS no problem (as long as no Imps are around)
You dont need to use the lift to get this datacron. on the backside of this island you can jump your way up using your speeder.
as of at least patch 1.2, the ladder for the Strength+4 datacron no longer works.
You MUST buy the MGGS.
A comment for the whole Datacron section
The listing page should say the Galactic History number. If you are only missing one or 2 on a planet that would really help figure out which one.
Great reference though!
I’d like to confirm Overlord about the Aim +4 not too hard to jump up to from lake
one tip: for the Strength Datacron, i highly suggest buying the Magnetically Guided Grappling System (MGGS) because you will need it for a datacron of Coreilla so might as well get it now.
I guess this is another location for an Unusual Egg nest? I only know of 2 places, for me this will make a third.
I know of an egg site on Balmorra and one on Alderaan. Where is this third site you are talking about?? Please advise and thanks
What’s this about unusual egg sites
As of Patch 1.2 the door to get the Willpower Datacron is fixed. I am a type 3 body and I got through with no problem.
Location for MGSS vendor is wrong: it is 1867, 204.
204 is Z coordinate not Y .
I was able to speeder jump up the back part of the island for the +4. Took alot of effort but I used the landspeeder first then half way up switched to xeno.
For strength datacron on the dam on Alderaan: jumping on the ladder does NOT let you climb it. I tried MANY times on two characters. Also, will someone PLEASE correct “than” to “then?” Whoever wrote these articles apparently doesn’t speak English as their first language.
The jumping technique no longer applies after 1.2, they fixed it so you’re forced to buy that part.
Looks like they fixed the jumping route on the strength datacron.
Strength +4 appears to need the grapple (which didn’t even work for a while) as you can no longer jump up the ladder as far as i can tell
Hello, yup this paragraph is truly good and I have learned lot of
things from it on the topic of blogging. thanks.
After 1.3, the Strength datacron requires the MGGS.
You can no longer use the ladder.
After you have got the strength +4 you can run along the dam and pull youself up to another ledge in the sameway as getting the datacron – there is a small chest on the ledge containing a Alderon Commendation and random drop. 2131,379 you can see both ledges from either ledge.
Seems as though most of these require you to either be near or get something from around “The Juran Mountains” region of Alderaan. I would suggest starting there and picking up the items before heading out.
As of 1.3.6, it appears you can no longer jump up the rocks on the back for the Aim datacron – the surfaces are more angled and you slide back down.
This was not the case prior to the patch of September 2012, when you could still do it.
I tried it today and it worked
Tarlarn Outpost is an Imperial zone. Is there a republic side vendor who has the item?
For Endurance +3 Datacron, you do NOT need the Red Detonite Actuator. I just walked right up in the cave and got it.
i did it today and this was not the case, i needed the detonator.
once you finish with the MGGS you can take it back to the vendor and get a full refund.
So my Codex is telling me there are 7 datacroms on Alderaan. Yet there are only 5 listed here. Are there more then 1 at some of these locations, like at the sand crawler on Tatooine?
Since the release of the Makeb expansion they added 2 new datacrons to Makeb, but for whatever strange reason they assigned them to Alderaan in the codex. It is a bug.
Is there even another place you cam use it or is it just to get this one Datacron I think it is B.S. to buy equipment we are going to use once there should be a battle for the grappling hook not just go up and buy it from Apooh may be you can buy some Duff beer that will raise your number one ability.
The MGGS has a use on the Fleet to get the +10 to All Stats Datacron and also I think one of the datacrons on Corellia.
There is an hour refund for Magnetically Guided Grappling System (MGGS) so I used it then returned it. Got the full refund for 12,500! 🙂
Having hard time even getting to outskirts of heroic zone let alone making it though zone to cave entrance for endurance +3 on Alderaan. other problem at the time when I was playing Moines wanted to group for this datacron and i can’t solo it 🙁
How about, not sticking a flipping watermark over the fucking point, it’s wound me right up.
For the Aim, jumping on the southeast corner is doable just picky as hell about where to stand. For the Presence the Thranta is also the Codex and seems to be really the only way to it.
Look u monkeys: next time write coordinates for that f.. vendor well, bcs u wrote FALSE ones, and bring me back lost credits spent for guarding droid at outpost bolym. IDIOTS
Coordinates on your map are bugged and have been since Beta. The coordinates for your cursor are not the same as for your character. Cursor coordinates are incorrect. Next time use the map to locate rather than blindly following coordinates.
Would you follow the GPS in your car if it told you to driver over a cliff? No, I think not. The coordinates are correct, if you look at the right ones.
Not sure if it’s just me but detonating it does not remove the boulder, It just explodes and nada.
Aim datacron on the island, can confirm that today you do not need to jump the lift.
Standing at x: 1125 y:86 Z:166, there is a sloped piece of rock, do a little run up to it, your arrow on the mini map will be pointing south west and at the bottom south east of the island, Run up to the tip of that slope. Climb up as far as you can go. Now face the north east at coords x:1123 y: 92 Z: 174, you will see an additional ledge just ahead, run up and jump to it. The datacron etc is below. Takes a few attempts, but no travelling back if you miss the lift.