SWTOR update 1.7.2 new pets: GS-1 Sentry Droid, Model X-70 Phantom, SP-RO Power Droid, Sublime Blurrg and Venomcrest Lylek. All pets are obtained as a random drop from Contraband Cartel Pack – Regulator’s Contraband Pack and Enforcer’s Contraband Pack. Continue reading
With the introduction of the Cartel Market in SWTOR we got a chance to purchase some cool looking items that will possibly enhance that Star Wars feeling even more. Since the items in the Cartel Market are purchased by Cartel … Continue reading
Before you can get this pet you have to make a delicious food Ice Scrabbler Jerky that not even a tauntaun can resist. After eating this food you will get a Jerky buff, a special buff you need to see Taunlet. Here is a full guide with screenshots on how to get Taunlet Pet. Continue reading
Among all the new things that the “Patch 1.2 – Legacy” brought there are new mini-pets in game that can be obtained through various sources. Among those is the Orokeet bird mini-pet that takes several steps to get to, neither of which is trivial. Here is a full guide with screenshots on how to get this great looking mini-pet. Continue reading