Item Database

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Tip: Click on the Equip link in the table bellow to "Equip" that item into the "Your Equipment" window.
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1 2 3 ...176 177 178 ...229 230 231 ...353 354 355
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Tech Combat Belt1513WaistMedium ArmorEquip
Tempered Terenthium Boots15FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Tempered Terenthium Chestguard15ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Terenthium Barrage Boots15FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Terenthium Barrage Jacket15ChestMedium ArmorEquip
Terenthium Battle Boots15FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Terenthium Battle Jacket15ChestMedium ArmorEquip
Traditional Shadow Silk Boots15FeetLight ArmorEquip
Traditional Shadow Silk Vestments15ChestLight ArmorEquip
VJ-94 Motor15MotorDroid ArmorEquip
War Master Gloves1515HandsMedium ArmorEquip
War Master Headgear1514HeadMedium ArmorEquip
AA-16 Parts1413PartsDroid ArmorEquip
Ablative Terenthium Bracers14WristsMedium ArmorEquip
Avenger Belt1413WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Battle Focus1413Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Battle Generator1413Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Battle Generator1413Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Battle Shield1413Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Battle Shield1413Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Capital City Assassin's Lower Robe1414LegsLight ArmorEquip
Capital City Commando's Legplates1414LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Capital City Guardian's Leggings1414LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Capital City Gunslinger's Pants1414LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Capital City Marauder's Leggings1414LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Capital City Mercenary's Legplates1414LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Capital City Sentinel's Leggings1414LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Capital City Shadow's Lower Robe1414LegsLight ArmorEquip
Capital City Sniper's Pants1414LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Capital City Sorcerer's Lower Robe1414LegsLight ArmorEquip
Capital City Wizard's Lower Robe1414LegsLight ArmorEquip
Dense Boots1413FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Boots1413FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Bracers1413WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Bracers1413WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Cuirass1413ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Cuirass1413ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Gauntlets1413HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Gauntlets1413HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Girdle1413WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Girdle1413WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Greaves1413LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dense Greaves1413LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Harbinger's Sash1413WaistLight ArmorEquip
Hardened Terenthium Bracers14WristsMedium ArmorEquip
Mining Belt1413WaistLight ArmorEquip
Mining Gloves1413HandsLight ArmorEquip
Mining Shoes1413FeetLight ArmorEquip
Mining Vest1413ChestLight ArmorEquip
Mining Wristbands1413WristsLight ArmorEquip
1 2 3 ...176 177 178 ...229 230 231 ...353 354 355


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