Item Database

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Tip: Click on the Equip link in the table bellow to "Equip" that item into the "Your Equipment" window.
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1 2 3 ...109 110 111 ...446 447 448 ...892 893 894
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Dread Guard Vindicator's Boots6350FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Chestguard6350ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Chestguard6350ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Generator6350Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Generator6350Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Greaves6350LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Greaves6350LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Handgear6350HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Handgear6350HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Headgear6350HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Headgear6350HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Lightsaber6350Main Hand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Dread Guard Vindicator's Lightsaber6350Main Hand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Armguards6350WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Armguards6350WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Belt6350WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Belt6350WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Body Armor6350ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Body Armor6350ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Boots6350FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Boots6350FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Gloves6350HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Gloves6350HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Greaves6350LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Greaves6350LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Headgear6350HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Headgear6350HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Lightsaber6350Main Hand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Lightsaber6350Main Hand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Shield6350Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Dread Guard War Leader's Shield6350Offhand (General)Shield GeneratorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Boots6350FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Boots6350FeetMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Bracers6350WristsMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Bracers6350WristsMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Gloves6350HandsMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Gloves6350HandsMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Headgear6350HeadMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Headgear6350HeadMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Leggings6350LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Leggings6350LegsMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Lightsaber6350Main Hand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Lightsaber6350Main Hand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Offhand Saber6350Offhand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Offhand Saber6350Offhand (Melee)LightsaberEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Vest6350ChestMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Vest6350ChestMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Waistcord6350WaistMedium ArmorEquip
Dread Guard Weaponmaster's Waistcord6350WaistMedium ArmorEquip
Elite War Hero Annihilator's MK-1 Device6350EarEquip
1 2 3 ...109 110 111 ...446 447 448 ...892 893 894


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