Swtor Companion Appearance Customization guide with screenshots and vendor locations Continue reading
Tag Archives: beta
At level 25, you can get your first Speeder (vehicle or mount), at either Tatooine, the Republic Fleet, or the Imperial Fleet. The Speeder Vendor Barik at Republic Fleet – Carrick station is located in Galactic Trade Market (coordinates: -4558, -4845). Tatooine has a better selection of beginning Speeders. As you leave the Anchorhead spaceport, you will see the taxi and the Speeder vendor to your right (coordinates: 1865,-3285). Examples of the Speeders are found on the lot, but be warned; the Speeders you get may not look the same. All Speeders at Anchorhead cost 8,000 credits and add 90% to your speed. Continue reading
If you are wanting to find a resource that will help you make one of the most informed choices as to which class to play based on which set of companions and bonuses to a certain crew skill each classes … Continue reading
With a system as diverse as this and with an item count that is through the roof, and a very complicated interdependency it is easy to see how someone playing SWTOR would need some guidance as to which crafting skills … Continue reading
This guide focuses on knowing your stats and how they relate to the character class choice you make in SWTOR at a Basic to Moderate MMO gamer experience level. From what we have seen of the Beta of SWTOR so … Continue reading