Swtor The Search Begins

Swtor The Search Begins is the second Macrobinoculars mission, which follows the mission The Shroud’s Gambit. This mission takes you to Taris and Tatooine planets. It does not matter which planet you choose to complete first, but be sure to complete a Seeker mission as well on the same planet. It is important to stress that you can complete the mission objectives from the distance.


Transmitter No.1
West Taris. As soon as you leave the Olaris Spaceport and make a few steps toward the taxi, place your point of view toward North West.Transmitter No.2
North Taris. When you reach the objective mark, place your point of view toward West.Transmitter No.3
East Taris. When you reach the objective mark, place your point of view toward West.Transmitter No.4
South Taris. When you reach the objective mark, place your point of view toward North West.


Transmitter No.1
North Tatooine. South Anchorhead, place point of view north west.Transmitter No.2
North Tatooine. North Jundland, place point of view north as soon as you enter this part of map.Transmitter No.3
Center of Tatooine. Center of Jundland, objective point is under a rock bridge.Transmitter No.4
Center of Tatooine. South East Jundland, objective point is high in the air, on the rock.Transmitter No.5
South West Tatooine. South West Jundland, objective point is easy to spot in the distance, as soon as you enter this part of map. Pass by Imperial post and follow a rock mountain path on the south side of the post.Transmitter No.6
West Tatooine. West Jundland, objective point is on the second balcony on a huge rock. This is open player versus player area, you are going to be flagged for pvp after 10 seconds.

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2 Responses to Swtor The Search Begins

  1. Comment by Edward Carey made on April 29, 2022 at 5:43 pm

    Any time I try to click on the images for the page Swtor The Search Begins it takes me to a new page and asks me to sign in. Is this new or am I doing something wrong?

    • Comment by The Spy (admin) made on May 16, 2022 at 7:18 pm

      Fixed. Thanks for letting us know. This has been a problem for years.