SWTOR Hoth’s Most Wanted achievement guide

SWTOR Hoth’s Most Wanted achievement can be completed by both Empire and Republic. You can find this achievement in Legacy section, under Achievements – Hoth – Aliens and Mercenaries. There are five opponents you need to defeat in order to acquire this achievement and 5 achievement points. This achievement is also a part of Champion of Hoth achievement which brings you additional 10 points.

SWTOR Hoth's Most Wanted

Their names and locations are :
  1. Kazianna Alvamma(Glacial Fissure)
  2. Legendary Wampa(Glacial Fissure)
  3. Tre’vor Kirieleison(Highmount Ridge)
  4. X39-R32(Highmount Ridge)
  5. Zakxon Gewchi(Icefall Plains)

Back to Swtor Planet Elite or Champion Hunt Guide.

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