Corellia Datacrons


Strength +4


X: -2755, Y: -2005

Additional information:

Starting location is on Corellia, Labor Valley – Central Workforce Habitation at -2177, -2400.

You start by running up a pipe that is attached to a canopy. Once on the canopy wait for the fighter that is connected to a crane. Once the fighter is above the canopy jump onto it and wait for it to slowly make it to the scaffolding with the stacks of missiles. Jump onto the scaffolding with the stacks of missiles and than jump down into the fenced in area with giant containers. You will see a steel beam that is leaning onto the crates. Run up that to get ontop of the crates. On the far side of the crates is an arm that goes up and down slowly, wait for it to come down and carefully jump onto it. I faced my character so the arm was to the left of my character and than jumped up and hit left arrow so I would take a small precise jump on top of the arm. Once it gets to the top jump onto the top crate from the arm. You can than jump up onto the scaffolding with more crates / missile stacks. In the middle is another beam that leads you up to the Datacron.

We would like to thank Xodric for additional information and screenshots.


This is the starting location, you can see the pipe connected to the canopy.

Starting location on map.

On top of the pipe, jump onto the canopy from here.

Here is the crane with the fighter, jump onto it from here.

On the crane / fighter.

This is where you want to jump off onto the first scaffolding.

The scaffolding is coming up, prepare to jump.

This is where you jump down off of the scaffolding into the fenced in area.

This is the pipe you want to climb up onto the giant crates.

This is the arm you want to jump onto.

On top of the arm.

On top of the top crate after jumping off the arm.

The scaffolding you want to be on, you can see the Datacrons glow.

The beam you run up to get to the Datacron.

The map location of the Datacron.

The Codex you get from the Datacron.
key facts
Datacron name: Strength +4
Planet: Corellia
Coordinates: X: -2755, Y: -2005
Codex: Galactic History 82: Darth Traya’s Return

REPUBLIC – Willpower +4


X: 703, Y: 1717

Additional information:

You can visually see this Datacron from the surrounding areas. It is on a third level grated platform (ground being first). It is inaccessible from the surrounding area. You have to go way off East to start the climb around to it. There are really only 2 hard jumps in the entire route. One will have a soft reset where you are set back a small amount but nothing too bad. The other is right at the end and will cause you to re-run the entire route. As long as you are careful it is not bad.

Start around 1130,1670. There is a large ramp going into a tunnel through a building. Do not go in the tunnel. Go West and take the molding around the side of the building. Follow it around under the grated platform holding the ships. You will hop some supports on route. When you come to the last support (you can do this earlier if you prefer), jump on it and run up it. Just above it near the top, you will see a beam running perpendicular. Jump onto this beam. You should be at 947,1780.

Now for some twisting turns. No map coordinates for this. Follow the beam West, then North to the pipes. Jump onto those and turn around after you move out a bit. you should have the platform with the ships on it just above. Jump on to it (if you are having trouble, make sure you are on the highest of the little pipes). Then use your Datacron hunting box jumping to get on top of the ship. (Crates -> Large Containers -> Ship) Jump on top of the cockpit area from the weapons pod. Then go over to the large crates, over them to the the equipment going West again. Travel along it and onto the lip on the equipment (small jump up).

Now you are in the home stretch, if you make this jump. Jump from the SE corner onto the pipe nearby. If you miss this jump, you will end up behind some fences. Carefully edge walk East and South around the corner and back the the support that you climbed earlier. Otherwise, keep moving West. At this point you will work West, down onto a rooftop that extends over open areas. Keep going West. When it bends South, follow it to the beam that forms a ramp to more beams. Take that up and you are now on level with the Datacron. Walk over to the platform then make a careful jump cutting the corner to get on. (I believe that the edge extends a bit if you catch the corner so you don’t fall as long as you make a decent jump, but I did not and will not test it.)

We would like to thank Shiredragon for additional information.
We would also like to thank Demian and Odyssey guild for the datacron screenshots.


key facts
Datacron name: REPUBLIC – Willpower +4
Planet: Corellia
Coordinates: X: 703, Y: 1717

Blue Matrix Shard


X: -2425, Y: -1063

Additional information:

Datacron is located in Labor Valley. Coordinates for starting point are X:-2302, Y:-987. There will be a hologram door here. You can go through it. There is only one way through. Once you come out of the tunnel you will see the datacron shining on a container. Jump up and grab it. There are no tricks, or jumps here. Long ride for republic people not to bad for empire.

We would like to thank Caz Go for sending us additional information and screenshots.

key facts
Datacron name: Blue Matrix Shard
Planet: Corellia
Coordinates: X: -2425, Y: -1063
Codex: Galactic History 62: The Great Sith War Ends

Presence +4


X: 3425, Y: -3209

Additional information:

1: Go to the end of the scaffold at 3510, -3210.
2: If you look over the railing, you can see a beam sticking out just a little bit, and below that, a pipe sticking out a little bit further.
3: Toggle your character to walk, then hop up onto the railing and carefully drop onto first the beam, then the pipe.
4: Turn around, and there’s the datacron straight ahead of you, have at it.

We would like to thank Jakk Frost for finding the new route and sending us information and screenshots.


Go to Port Pevaria in the Government District

Map view

Starting point here at the end of the scaffold at 3510, -3210 in Port Pevaria. You can see a beam sticking out slightly, and a pipe sticking slightly further out

Map view

If you angle the camera down you can see the datacron below

Toggle walking on your character and hop up onto the railing

Now carefully drop onto the beam

Still being careful, now drop onto the pipe (though you may have a minor heart attack as it seems like you’re about to miss it)

Now just turn around and there’s your prize straight ahead of you

Have at it!
key facts
Datacron name: Presence +4
Planet: Corellia
Coordinates: X: 3425, Y: -3209
Codex: Galactic History 80: A Return from Exile

Aim +4


X: 3140, Y: -1790

Additional information:

Step 1 – Go to Goverment District location X: 3119 Y: -1842 inside a destroyed building
Step 2 – at this location is a fallen scaffolding, walk up and wait for elevator beam to come down
Step 3 – jump on elevator beam
Step 4 – wait to get to the top and walk or jump off
Step 5 – position yourself in fron of the big Explosive Tank and blow it up
Step 6 – pick yourself off the ground and collect your +4 Aim.

We would like to thank Elapsed for additional information and screenshots.

key facts
Datacron name: Aim +4
Planet: Corellia
Coordinates: X: 3140, Y: -1790
Codex: Galactic History 78: The Sith Triumvirate

Cunning +4


X: -2658, Y: -3114

Additional information:

Step 1) start at X: -2488 Y: -62 Labor District NE corner
Step 2 climb up the Beam around the corner
Step 3) make your way around the building along the overhang
Step 4) Jump up onto the Duct and climb up onto the scaffolding
Step 5) work your way up until you’re directly over the broken bridge
Step 6) carefully drop down onto the beams or the bottom floor of the bridge
Step 7) jump onto boxes, collect your datacron

We would like to thank Elapsed for additional information and screenshots.

key facts
Datacron name: Cunning +4
Planet: Corellia
Coordinates: X: -2658, Y: -3114
Codex: Galactic History 81: The Battle of Telos Four

Green Matrix Shard


X: 702, Y: -1884

Additional information:

Collecting this datacron will give you codex for Quesh planet.

This walkthrough works for Republic and Empire both, though Republic will have to fight a couple mobs.
Datacron is located at approximately (702, -1884), but if you attempt to walk there directly you’ll just find a bunch of Imperial mobs. Here’s how to get to it.

If you click the thing two times in a row quickly your MGSS won’t bug.

We would like to thank Raynre Valence and Synyn for additional information and screenshots.


You need to take a quick detour to Alderaan to pick up an MGGS from this neutral vendor in the Juran Mountains

Vendor can be found at approximately (1865, 1089)

Head over to Corellia and take the tram to Axial Park. Head as far south as possible until you reach the Corellian Museum of Starships.

The entrance to the Museum is at approximately (411, -1821)

Head over to the elevator and take it up to the Rooftop Shuttle Pad

You’ll arrive here. Climb up on top of the ship’s left wing…

… and drop down onto the roof

Walk down the length of the roof and find the little ledge sticking out.

If you look down you should see another ledge. Jump down onto it.

Follow the ledge around until you arrive at a small alley and can see the building across from you

Look up. From here you should be able to see the Magnetic Stabilizer.

Here’s where it gets tricky, because the MGGS is buggy as hell. The thing that seemed to work for me was positioning myself so that I would scrape across the far roof as I was pulled towards the MS and the game would register me landing instead of being pulled all the way and stop in midair. It took me nearly thirty tries and two deaths, but eventually I got across. Just keep at it.

Turn right and jump across the roof…

…and enter the Deserted Thoroughfare

Easy to follow, you’re on the home stretch now

The datacron is found on top of a box. Jump on another box to get it.

Tada! The third green matrix shard available to Republic players.
key facts
Datacron name: Green Matrix Shard
Planet: Corellia
Coordinates: X: 702, Y: -1884
Codex: Galactic History 61: The Brotherhood is Broken

EMPIRE Willpower +4


X: -2404, Y: 2948

Additional information:

Located on the Incorporation Islands. Start point is at -2296, 2885. You will see two carrier droid passing by beneath, You must jump on to the droid and use them to get to the datacron. I fell down on the one moving towards the datacron, he brings you strait towards it. (this might be the empire one since republic gets another willpower on Corellia)

We would like to thank Glemo, Toki and Dodge for additional information.


Carrier Droid

Get to the location and wait for Carrier Droid

The global map of the location

You are waiting for the Carrier Droid which goes to the West. You can jump on the East going droid, but then you have to switch – I didn’t make it.

Aim this angle and wait till the droid is about your shoulders width away. Then just walk. Timing is everything.

Safely landed. You can rejuvenate now, you have some time

Here we go, approaching to the datacron. Just jump over the fence when you’re above the rail. It’s actually a very easy jump with a little risk.

Done. Now take it


I haven’t figured out a way to get out of there besides… well you know this one by now… doom.
key facts
Datacron name: EMPIRE Willpower +4
Planet: Corellia
Coordinates: X: -2404, Y: 2948
Codex: Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr

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116 Responses to Corellia Datacrons

  1. Comment by Caz Go made on January 14, 2012 at 8:16 am

    Blue Matrix Shard

    Its in Labor Valley.

    Coordinates for starting point are x -2302, y -987. There will be a hologram door here. You can go through it. There is only one way through. Once you come out of the tunnel you will see the datacron shining on a container. Jump up and grab it. Datacron coordinates are x -2425, y -1063.

    There are no tricks, or jumps here. Long ride for republic people not to bad for empire. I hope this helps someone.


    • Comment by Sobekhotep made on January 15, 2012 at 6:07 pm

      Green Matrix shard at 701,88 (deserted thoroughfare). You need the Alderaan MGGS to get it.
      Go to Axiel park 413,24, in the south west part, there is a museum with small spaceships and some sith guarding it. On the right is an elevator, use it and go to the roof. You will see a shuttle, climb it and jump on the roof. Go to the east side, east building. Between the edge to the north, the east building and a small round protrusion of the roof itself, you can see down another ledge. Drop down to it. Go round this ledge to the other side (east) and align yourself looking east towards the column.
      To you left and up you a statue with a blue thingy. This is a magnetic pole, use your MGGS. You should use it two or three times one after the other, to make a double jump, or you might fall.
      Once on that roof, go south, jump on the terrace and enter the building. Follow the hall till the end, the datacron is on a large crate.

      PS Boarding the craft is a transportation to: Corellian museum of Starships (413,24 Axiel park), Korvalus Tower (-223,86 Axiel park), Tyrelli Habitat (-185,86 Axiel park) and Gowix Corp (628,96 Axiel park)

      • Comment by Sobekhotep made on January 15, 2012 at 6:47 pm

        Cunning +4 at -2261,-53

        Start at -2670,-75 Advanced Production Research Sector (near republic terminal). You will see a large Broken pipe that is flaming to your right. Go around the other side of the building (south then east then north again) near -2513,-42… there are debris coming down the backside of the building. Climb a bit, and then climb a pipe to jump upon a ledge-roof to the south. Follow this ledge-roof all around again (south, east then north) till you reach that flaming pipe again.
        In front you there should be a pipe curving up, jump on it. Follow the broken pathway westwards. Near the end and to the north you will see another broken pathway below, jump down. The datacron is inside this passageway. You need to very, very carefully find a way to jump down using the pipes jutting around and land inside the walkway (it will take you some tries). Use the first jutting pipe on the left, walk slowly a bit till you see the floor of the walkway under you and gently walk backwards. The datacron is north ontop of a crate.

        • Comment by Tyler made on January 20, 2012 at 10:32 pm

          It seems like for your second co-ordinate for each of these is actually the Z co-ordinate, which makes it a little more difficult to figure out where things are. Is it possible for you to update this so that we have the Y co-ordinate?

          • Comment by Jim made on January 24, 2012 at 9:39 pm

            museum entrance is at 413. -1811

          • Comment by Jim made on January 24, 2012 at 9:51 pm

            Turns out this is datacron 5/5 for Quesh (Galatic History 61) and does not count for Corellia. Bioware really threw a curve here since there has to be a 7th (!) datacron on the planet to give 5/5 Corellia.

        • Comment by whiskejack made on April 9, 2012 at 1:02 pm

          Coordinates for Empire side is -2359, -2449.

        • Comment by Mera made on June 7, 2012 at 3:28 pm

          Just wanted to mention that the side you need to jump onto for the Cunning datacron will be to your RIGHT as you’re coming across the pipe and looking down at the broken bridge.

          • Comment by Mera made on June 7, 2012 at 3:29 pm

            Or, using cardinal directions, NORTH.

          • Comment by Tri'est made on April 18, 2014 at 12:05 am

            Thank you Mera. I actually jumped from the top of the pipe to the bottom of the bridge first time AFTER reading your post. I would have been there a long time if not for you

  2. Comment by Dave made on January 15, 2012 at 7:50 pm

    Are the WP one and the two Sobe posted Republic only? Those locs don’t work for my map. No taxi will take me to Blastfield Shipyards either.

  3. Comment by Meghan made on January 16, 2012 at 10:09 pm

    Would be REALLY nice if you could post instructions on how to actually GET to the Blastfield Shipyards for the +4 Willpower datacron. Been working on it for an hour, haven’t found a way there yet. I have no taxi there, no missions taking me there, google hasn’t helped any… incredibly frustrating.

    • Comment by Deathkus made on January 17, 2012 at 2:44 am

      thats because that will power one is for republic only there is one for empire only that this website doesnt show this sites mission alot of datacrons

      • Comment by Meghan made on January 18, 2012 at 1:29 pm

        Well thanks for letting me know. This isn’t the only website that doesn’t say this is Republic only. I haven’t found any website yet saying this is Republic only. Lol.

        • Comment by Drangar made on January 23, 2012 at 4:55 am

          Empire Willpower Datacron is located at x: -2404 y: 2946. Go to the railing around x: -2294 y: 2885 and look south in the chasm. You’ll see a platform pathing around. Fall down on it when it is traveling west, in the direction of the datacron. Ride the platform to the crossbeam that the datacron is on and fall/jump to it.

          • Comment by Melizande made on February 15, 2012 at 6:36 pm

            The EMPIRE Willpower +4 Datacron is incredibly frustrating to jump to.

            Your character has a tendency to barrel-roll (I play an agent, if that matters), and in fact roll right OFF the platform upon landing on it.

            Any advice?

          • Comment by mizori made on March 12, 2012 at 5:52 pm

            frustrating is an understatement i managed to land on it and a few sec later i was teleported on to the ground and couldnt move did /stuck got teleported back up died trying again and said screw it and i’m a sin

          • Comment by Opoya made on April 11, 2012 at 6:41 am

            when you jumping down from the ledge onto the floating rock carrier thing, instead of running forward, strafe sideways onto it, that’ll prevent you from doing the forward roll.
            Don’t forget to give yourself about 2 yards of leeway when you jumping down onto it, its quite a away down, if you wait until it is directly below you, you’ll end up falling behind it 🙂

  4. Comment by Malyce made on January 17, 2012 at 4:13 am

    For the Str one you can jump from the tarp onto the side of the cockpit of the ship, once u get to the moving up and own crane u can do it as above or u can wait for the crane to come up farther and there’s a small lip you can practically step on, and then easily do a small jump onto the crate, the last jump from the crate to the upper area can be deceptive and hard if not done right setting u back a ways

    • Comment by CParisho made on April 30, 2012 at 8:11 am

      I can’t even get up the first pipe. At the first point that it narrows then widens it is like there is an invisible object, and if I try to go over it I end up off one side or the other.

      • Comment by kelsur made on May 12, 2012 at 11:02 pm

        jump is ur friend here

  5. Comment by Malyce made on January 17, 2012 at 4:30 am

    For the blue matrix shard,
    once you go through the hologram u cannot summon your companion I’m a inquis using Khem, i was able to sneak by the elite and also run past the other robots they did aggro but de aggroed very quickly. then i was able to get the matrix shard, This was for empire

    • Comment by Malyce made on January 17, 2012 at 4:32 am

      Also to note on the blue matrix shard, the robots are named damaged or malfunctioning
      lol so there’s a lil clue they don’t hurt you.

  6. Comment by Kahn made on January 23, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    Getting the Presence +4 at Port Pevaria as a male toon w/body type 3 or 4 seems near impossible. Can’t fit through the crack, tried going off ledge to pipes on other side, but there’s a wall jutting out that also prevents access.

    • Comment by Kintar made on January 24, 2012 at 11:05 am

      To get this you need a consular sage with Body type 1 or 2 with the Pull ability (Forget its real name but it lets you pull a friendly player to your location)
      The sage neds to go down to the datacron then walk out to the edge on the pipes (Using the invisible platform) then get your friend to jump off the edge into the abyss and you simply pull him back up onto the platform. and you walk along the scafold together back to the datacron.

      ps. when you have the datacron. use the /stuck function to put you back up top. (Or QT if you have it)

      Hope this helps

    • Comment by Chukin made on February 5, 2012 at 12:33 am

      Also as a bounty hunter I dueled my friend and jet Charged to him through the parts too small for me to fit

    • Comment by Lawman made on February 10, 2012 at 12:42 pm

      As a Vanguard trooper you can also Use Storm to get through the crack. just have anyone who can fit through the crack go through, than duel them. Use Storm and BAM your through! You’ll have to use this Tactic twice, once above and once below.

    • Comment by Degarne made on March 7, 2012 at 2:30 pm

      The datacron is closer to the other side of scaffolding so you can pick it up there without ever leaving the scaffolding as a large body type. To get to the other side you simply need to continue moving east on the first set of scaffolding until you get to the section that goes north/south, there is a little section that is a bit lower which you can drop on and move under the big beam to get to the other side of the scaffolding.

    • Comment by Fillingraves made on April 15, 2012 at 3:57 pm

      Just would like to say that the above “official” guide for getting the Presence DC is NOT the correct/intended way of getting this DC. It is an exploit/glitch that actually makes it much harder to obtain. I know because I spent about an hour fooling around with HIS way of getting it. The CORRECT way of getting this DC is actually quite simple. Simply go to the eastern edge of the zone/area, near the middle, at X: 3512, Y: 248, jump on to the railing, CAREFULLY fall off onto the slight edge of the protruding scaffolding underneath, (easilly seen from a top-down view angle) and there you are! Now just run to the DC and click on it! Much easier, huh?

  7. Comment by Argos made on January 25, 2012 at 7:31 pm

    the aim datacron seems bugged. I blow myself over to the datacron ledge and immediately get a quick loading screen, then reappear on top of the pillar where the bomb was.

    • Comment by Argos made on January 25, 2012 at 7:34 pm

      haha, next try after posting my comment it worked. Guess I was landing in a bugged area. Took 5 tries for success. At least I just had to wait for the bomb to respawn rather than dealing with the elevator thing again.

      • Comment by Seaker33 made on March 19, 2012 at 2:55 am

        I had the same issue, it seems that if you face away from the bomb it bugs but if you face towards the bomb it wont bug. I watched someone else make it by facing towards the bomb and tried myself and made it over fine.

        • Comment by Narvakhan made on April 23, 2012 at 2:52 am

          Blow yourself across as close to the wall to the left as you can. That was the only place I could get that wouldn’t reset me 🙂

          • Comment by Yi4NNi made on January 11, 2014 at 8:39 pm

            Kudos Narvakhan, that did the trick.

            Facing the bomb didn’t help earlier

  8. Comment by Demian made on January 26, 2012 at 7:18 pm

    Here are photos for the willpower datacron. just follow the guide above

  9. Comment by Gofers made on January 28, 2012 at 5:31 am

    FINALLY got the green shard here. What I had to do was go as far right as I could while still seeing the stabilizer. Fire it and start running to the right. It seems that it works better at angles.

  10. Comment by Rome made on January 28, 2012 at 8:15 pm

    For the Presence datacron if your body type / gender prevents you from accessing it you can sit next to it to access without needing to jump down.

    As shown in screenshot

    • Comment by Tim made on February 3, 2012 at 11:28 am

      The problem is squeezing through the crack.

  11. Comment by Glemo made on January 29, 2012 at 3:30 pm

    Loc: -2404, 2948 [+4 Willpower] (Empire only ?) – Located on the Incorporation Islands. Start point is at -2296, 2885. You will see two carrier droid passing by beneath, You must jump on to the droid and use them to get to the datacron. I fell down on the one moving towards the datacron, he brings you strait towards it. (this might be the empire one since republic gets another willpower on Corellia)

    • Comment by Glemo made on January 29, 2012 at 3:39 pm

      Just did some extra checking, it rewards the 79 entry which is the same as the republic one so it is going to be Empire only.
      (Codex: Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr) This makes a total of 8 datacrons on Corellia.

      • Comment by Furie made on March 3, 2012 at 12:29 pm

        This is bugged beyond relief, ive managed to land on the droid once, and then when i seethed to get my hp back i teleported down to the fucking floor where i was unable to move, another attemot i walked off and my character teleported back up halfway from falling where my character was then thrown miles infront of the fucking thing.

        • Comment by Sergio made on March 8, 2012 at 5:37 am

          Don’t force heal, same happened top me. If you need to use a medpac. But be aware the second jump doesn’t hurt so no need to heal really. If you land on it, don’t really move.

          • Comment by devetor made on March 29, 2012 at 9:02 pm

            just a tip for the empire willpower+4 datacron toggle sprint off and walk off backwards to fall to the droid platform. only way i could do it without barrel rolling off the platform.

        • Comment by Neene made on August 24, 2013 at 5:26 am

          For the Empire Willpower datacron, you need to go off the BACK of the droid onto the platform, i.e. wait until you pass over the datacron and then drop down.

          If you try and go off the front, then as soon as the droid passes over you head 1 second later, it will reset you back up to the starting point before you jumped on to the droid. This happened to me several times, going off the back worked perfectly.

  12. Comment by Synyn made on January 29, 2012 at 11:10 pm

    On you Green matrix Shard if you click the thing twice ur MGSS won’t bug you must click it two times in a row quickly.

    • Comment by Lawman made on February 6, 2012 at 3:24 pm

      i did it a different way but it worked. I shot it once and as soon as the MGGS timer was done i immediately jumped and it pulled me across

      • Comment by Dave made on March 8, 2012 at 4:58 am

        Jumping right as it starts to pull you works.

        I tried using it several times in a row and going on an angle. Neither of those worked for me but jumping did.

    • Comment by harinama made on May 19, 2012 at 7:45 pm

      I was successful the first time on the green shard. I edged to the farthest right i could, fired the grapple, then ran/jumped to the right as i flew and landed to the left below the grapple point.

      • Comment by harinama made on May 19, 2012 at 7:48 pm

        Thankyou very much, this worked perfectly on first try.

  13. Comment by Malkalis made on January 31, 2012 at 3:19 am

    Presence +4 is another that’s “forbidden” to large (category 3) body types. Unable to get through the crack on either side of the area. Not sure about heavies (category 4), but I’d guess so.

  14. Comment by Rone made on February 10, 2012 at 7:55 pm

    You have to click on the item under the statue wait for it to cast. Then count 1 thousand 1 and jump. It will change your trajectory to a better angle to slide you over the top of the roof. Also, stand on the highest point with your back against the wall.

  15. Comment by signoredems made on February 11, 2012 at 12:33 am

    your coordinates (1865, 200)for the vendor location that sells the MGGS on alderaan for the green matrix shard on corellia are incorrect (they are what is shown as player coordinates on the map screen which incorrectly lists the Z coordinate as the Y coordinate). the vendor (Lain-Ricie) is actually located at 1865, 1089, 204

    • Comment by The Spy (admin) made on February 11, 2012 at 2:07 pm

      Thank you, I made the correction to the original guide.

  16. Comment by Dodge made on February 19, 2012 at 1:15 pm
  17. Comment by Toki made on February 20, 2012 at 8:32 am

    EMPIRE Willpower +4

    1] – Get to the location and wait for Carrier Droid.

    2] – The global map of the location.

    3] – You are waiting for the Carrier Droid which goes to the West. You can jump on the East going droid, but then you have to switch – I didn’t make it.

    4] – Aim this angle and wait till the droid is about your shoulders width away. Then just walk. Timing is everything.

    5] – Safely landed. You can rejuvenate now, you have some time.

    6] – Here we go, approaching to the datacron. Just jump over the fence when you’re above the rail. It’s actually a very easy jump with a little risk.

    7] – Done. Now take it!

    8] I haven’t figured out a way to get out of there besides… well you know this one by now… doom.

  18. Comment by Dracosword made on February 21, 2012 at 6:14 pm

    EMPIRE Willpower +4 … to get off the ledge( /stuck) works

  19. Comment by Jokuhrix made on February 23, 2012 at 4:09 am

    The starting location for the strength datacron is actually closer to x=-2755,y=-2005.

  20. Comment by Rayrdus made on February 23, 2012 at 5:45 am

    On the green matrix crystal, I found that rapidly right clicking at the MGGS spot helped with the bug issue

    • Comment by Ludnirc made on March 24, 2012 at 9:11 pm

      I did the same and it worked.

    • Comment by harinama made on May 19, 2012 at 7:48 pm

      also jumping/running to the right as you send grapple hook helps.

  21. Comment by Malkavier made on March 6, 2012 at 2:50 pm

    You should really update this page with the fact that the Presence Datacron is REPUBLIC.

    On a side note: Bioware made more Datacrons Republic-Only than Imperial-Only so far.

  22. Comment by Pharix made on March 8, 2012 at 5:01 am

    Green Matrix Shard — DO NOT rez or pull friends to it! They will get ported to the government district!

  23. Comment by Fry made on March 10, 2012 at 9:11 pm

    Republic willpower cron – that last little diagonal jump, while I was psyching myself up to try it, Nadia just hopped across it like nothing. Damn, girl 😛

  24. Comment by Seaker33 made on March 19, 2012 at 2:57 am

    Just wanted to add that while trying for the Aim datacron if you face towards the explosive it should not bug out and rubber band you back.

  25. Comment by Leafers made on March 24, 2012 at 5:26 pm

    Sad to say, but the Corellia guides you have are nowhere near as good as the other planets. A bit lame actually, and poorly made compared to the rest. I understand that you took the first ones sent to you… but update stuff, ya know?

  26. Comment by Leafers made on March 24, 2012 at 5:30 pm

    Going to do the aim datacron for the 10th time. refuses to spawn up top or anywhere if i’m blown down. Tips, REAL screenshots or actual guides would be useful. Had this problem with Belsavis on some datacrons from same poster as well.

  27. Comment by Ludnirc made on March 24, 2012 at 7:54 pm

    A note needs to be put on the Blue Matrix shard about comps not being able to go through or summon inside. I did manage to make it glitch after summoning one after another down the hall a little ways. They don’t stay next to you however. They just jump to spots when you go so far.

  28. Comment by yzo made on April 2, 2012 at 3:11 pm

    On the empire WILLPOWER datacron after you get it, all you need to do is type /stuck. you will be teleported back to where you made the first jump.

  29. Comment by Kancrow made on April 2, 2012 at 8:26 pm

    /stuck works pretty well to get away from the Empire Willpower Datacron

    • Comment by pigpen made on May 9, 2012 at 6:33 am

      U can also jump at the rock of the next one and it will tack u to the jump point 🙂

  30. Comment by Mera made on April 3, 2012 at 10:16 pm

    It would be also really nice if this guide mentioned that the Presence datacron was in the middle of a Republic area and that if you’re Imperial you’ll have to fight through quite a few mobs to get where the crack is. And, the screenshots make no mention of exactly how far you have to follow the pipe. I’m guessing to the end of it, but I fell off the outside bend trying to jump around the corner. BTW, falling and dying puts you way back on the other side of the sector… so don’t fall.

    • Comment by Mera made on April 3, 2012 at 10:27 pm

      The Presence one seems to be bugging for me. The structures (including the scaffolding you’re supposed to jump on)) are clipping and are not being drawn/rendered by the game.

  31. Comment by Noufle made on April 10, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    +4 strenght, Labor Valley

    The first part with the canopy and the slow as hell fighter thing isn’t mandatory.

    You might just aswell jump uppon the fence from the top of the pyramidal stack of rocket just next to the fence, saving you some time…

  32. Comment by Impgrin made on April 10, 2012 at 7:39 pm

    awesome guide guys but it wold be really great if you could put the posts in order. Following the order they’re posted in has you jumping back and forth between different zones only to go back to the one you just did…

  33. Comment by Jakk Frost made on April 14, 2012 at 10:58 am

    For the presence datacron, it would appear that was either not the proper route they intended, or they developed a different route with 1.2, as there’s now no crack in the wall where pictures seem to indicate it should be.

    • Comment by Jakk Frost made on April 14, 2012 at 11:16 am

      Just found a new route to it, still don’t know if it’s the intended route, but it works just fine.

      1: Go to the end of the scaffold at 3510, -3210.
      2: If you look over the railing, you can see a beam sticking out just a little bit, and below that, a pipe sticking out a little bit further.
      3: Toggle your character to walk, then hop up onto the railing and carefully drop onto first the beam, then the pipe.
      4: Turn around, and there’s the datacron straight ahead of you, have at it.

      I’ve gone back to take screenshots, but I don’t yet know how to submit them, but it’s a fairly simple walkthrough.

      • Comment by Tim made on April 15, 2012 at 3:06 am

        Yup, it works- walkthrough above needs to be updated.

        • Comment by Charles made on April 15, 2012 at 3:50 pm

          This is the only way to get this datacron now. It is easier just stand backwards and drop down to the pipe push forward on your fall and u land on the pipe on the platform the datacron is on.

          • Comment by Chad made on August 1, 2012 at 1:18 pm

            Great tip. Definitely a lot easier to make the jump doing it this way especially when under attack as an Imperial.

  34. Comment by TolaSrrup made on April 15, 2012 at 1:01 am

    For the last part of EMPIRE Willpower +4 on Corellia, if you wait on the beam until the carrier droid comes back, just let the rock it’s carrying hit you and you will be transported back to your initial jump spot without having to plummet to your “doom.”

  35. Comment by Bané made on April 20, 2012 at 2:16 am

    Imperial +4 WP: There is a way to get back safely. When the carrier droid comes back across the beam where the datacron is located, jump on the rock it is carrying and if you land on it, you will be transported back to the ledge safely.

    • Comment by Jerald made on April 23, 2012 at 5:07 am

      /Stuck gets you right back to the ledge.

  36. Comment by TJ made on May 13, 2012 at 3:04 pm

    Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr cube is not reachable now, landed on the droid successfully however you now die as you near the structure with a return to medcenter (0 damage)

  37. Comment by Zepheera made on May 28, 2012 at 4:58 pm

    This is awesomely helpful… except that the watermarks cover up the screens showing WHERE on the maps the player is.

  38. Comment by J made on May 31, 2012 at 3:57 pm

    Very simple way not to die and to go back to where you started for IMP Willpower +4. Just type /stuck. This will teleport you back to the first ledge. It’s that easy.

  39. Comment by Dragnass made on June 22, 2012 at 7:02 pm

    After i got the datacron i waited for the carrier droid to come back. i jumped to it and it teleported me back to the ledge i jumped from. saved me from another death or burning my cooldown on Quick Travel.

    • Comment by Mark Nelson made on July 10, 2012 at 6:21 pm

      I cannot get to the second floor of the bridge for Cunning on Corellia. It is like once I get onto a ledge there is an invisible wall that prevents jumping. So frustrating. Is it 1.3?

      • Comment by DaduHulk made on September 1, 2012 at 8:04 pm

        I just did it, only prob I found some textures are transparent, seemed to be a hole, but you could walk on top of it (and not fall), so no big deal. Jumped them just in case. 🙂

  40. Comment by DaduHulk made on September 1, 2012 at 8:03 pm

    Second listed, Will+4 Rep, doesn’t have a title on the right, is #79 FYI

  41. Comment by Koldach made on October 24, 2012 at 10:49 pm

    Strength datacron… as of patch 1.4 if you miss the arm or land not 100 pct right on the arm – it sends you right back to beginning where you have to run up the pipe

  42. Comment by Jason made on October 25, 2012 at 8:51 am

    With the +4 Willpower datacron after i retrieved it i waitied for the droid to come back and let it hit me and it put me back on the start spot. Not sure if that always happens but its worth a try.

  43. Comment by Scrabouligou made on February 25, 2013 at 1:11 am

    Hi all,

    For the datacron n° 78 (“aim+4” / The Sith Triumvirate), do not stick the the big Explosive Tank but a few steps forward, otherwise your character will return to its original position.

    Thank you for your tips and tricks ^^

  44. Comment by Bres made on February 25, 2013 at 5:01 am

    On Cunning do not go off the left side of the bridge, go off the right. The picture is misleading

  45. Comment by Darth made on March 29, 2013 at 3:07 pm

    The Strength +4 start point ccordinates are wrong in the description as well as on the image, the correct coordinates are: -2898, -2071. Please correct it, it was hard to find!

  46. Comment by Djarek made on June 16, 2013 at 9:24 pm

    in order to get back without dieing on the empire will power +4 just wait at the datacron when the droid who brought you there returns (in same direction) wait for it to get next to you jump at it. you will Bug and appear on the roof you began at.

  47. Comment by Dave Nelson made on August 19, 2013 at 7:29 am

    Empire Willpower +4…I precisely measured the “shoulder length”, put my pointer on that spot, and stepped off in perfect time…only to be splattered on the rocks below. Try half a shoulder length so as not to become part of the landscape

  48. Comment by Aaragos made on October 25, 2013 at 4:15 am

    The starting coordinates for the Strength Datacron is wrong. If you check, you’ll find it at -2898, -2073.

    • Comment by Yi4nni made on January 11, 2014 at 7:47 am

      I agree with Aaragos.

      As of 2014-Jan-11, the instructions here still state the drastically incorrect starting coordinates.

  49. Comment by Vi'guy made on November 24, 2013 at 7:15 pm

    I just used /stuck and it places you right back where you jumped down onto the carrier droid. No certain doom necessary.

    • Comment by Vi'guy made on November 24, 2013 at 7:18 pm

      Sorry, my comment is for the +4 willpower datacron. I repeat… Nothing more is necessary other than to simply use the /stuck command to put you back where you started.

  50. Comment by Destry made on March 10, 2014 at 12:19 am

    In regardess to the last part of not knowing how to get out without dying i stood on that ledge and let the lift carrying garbage went by and let it hit me and it teleported me to where i had to jump down without dying so i dont know if it glitched or if they put that that in there but hey try it