Strength +4Coordinates:X: -2755, Y: -2005Additional information:Starting location is on Corellia, Labor Valley – Central Workforce Habitation at -2177, -2400.You start by running up a pipe that is attached to a canopy. Once on the canopy wait for the fighter that is connected to a crane. Once the fighter is above the canopy jump onto it and wait for it to slowly make it to the scaffolding with the stacks of missiles. Jump onto the scaffolding with the stacks of missiles and than jump down into the fenced in area with giant containers. You will see a steel beam that is leaning onto the crates. Run up that to get ontop of the crates. On the far side of the crates is an arm that goes up and down slowly, wait for it to come down and carefully jump onto it. I faced my character so the arm was to the left of my character and than jumped up and hit left arrow so I would take a small precise jump on top of the arm. Once it gets to the top jump onto the top crate from the arm. You can than jump up onto the scaffolding with more crates / missile stacks. In the middle is another beam that leads you up to the Datacron. We would like to thank Xodric for additional information and screenshots.
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Datacron name: Strength +4 Planet: Corellia Coordinates: X: -2755, Y: -2005 Codex: Galactic History 82: Darth Traya’s Return advertisement |
REPUBLIC – Willpower +4Coordinates:X: 703, Y: 1717Additional information:Notes:You can visually see this Datacron from the surrounding areas. It is on a third level grated platform (ground being first). It is inaccessible from the surrounding area. You have to go way off East to start the climb around to it. There are really only 2 hard jumps in the entire route. One will have a soft reset where you are set back a small amount but nothing too bad. The other is right at the end and will cause you to re-run the entire route. As long as you are careful it is not bad. Route: Start around 1130,1670. There is a large ramp going into a tunnel through a building. Do not go in the tunnel. Go West and take the molding around the side of the building. Follow it around under the grated platform holding the ships. You will hop some supports on route. When you come to the last support (you can do this earlier if you prefer), jump on it and run up it. Just above it near the top, you will see a beam running perpendicular. Jump onto this beam. You should be at 947,1780. Now for some twisting turns. No map coordinates for this. Follow the beam West, then North to the pipes. Jump onto those and turn around after you move out a bit. you should have the platform with the ships on it just above. Jump on to it (if you are having trouble, make sure you are on the highest of the little pipes). Then use your Datacron hunting box jumping to get on top of the ship. (Crates -> Large Containers -> Ship) Jump on top of the cockpit area from the weapons pod. Then go over to the large crates, over them to the the equipment going West again. Travel along it and onto the lip on the equipment (small jump up). Now you are in the home stretch, if you make this jump. Jump from the SE corner onto the pipe nearby. If you miss this jump, you will end up behind some fences. Carefully edge walk East and South around the corner and back the the support that you climbed earlier. Otherwise, keep moving West. At this point you will work West, down onto a rooftop that extends over open areas. Keep going West. When it bends South, follow it to the beam that forms a ramp to more beams. Take that up and you are now on level with the Datacron. Walk over to the platform then make a careful jump cutting the corner to get on. (I believe that the edge extends a bit if you catch the corner so you don’t fall as long as you make a decent jump, but I did not and will not test it.) We would like to thank Shiredragon for additional information. We would also like to thank Demian and Odyssey guild for the datacron screenshots. | key facts
Datacron name: REPUBLIC – Willpower +4 Planet: Corellia Coordinates: X: 703, Y: 1717 advertisement |
Blue Matrix ShardCoordinates:X: -2425, Y: -1063Additional information:Datacron is located in Labor Valley. Coordinates for starting point are X:-2302, Y:-987. There will be a hologram door here. You can go through it. There is only one way through. Once you come out of the tunnel you will see the datacron shining on a container. Jump up and grab it. There are no tricks, or jumps here. Long ride for republic people not to bad for empire.We would like to thank Caz Go for sending us additional information and screenshots. | key facts
Datacron name: Blue Matrix Shard Planet: Corellia Coordinates: X: -2425, Y: -1063 Codex: Galactic History 62: The Great Sith War Ends advertisement |
Presence +4Coordinates:X: 3425, Y: -3209Additional information:1: Go to the end of the scaffold at 3510, -3210.2: If you look over the railing, you can see a beam sticking out just a little bit, and below that, a pipe sticking out a little bit further. 3: Toggle your character to walk, then hop up onto the railing and carefully drop onto first the beam, then the pipe. 4: Turn around, and there’s the datacron straight ahead of you, have at it. We would like to thank Jakk Frost for finding the new route and sending us information and screenshots.
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Datacron name: Presence +4 Planet: Corellia Coordinates: X: 3425, Y: -3209 Codex: Galactic History 80: A Return from Exile |
Aim +4Coordinates:X: 3140, Y: -1790Additional information:Step 1 – Go to Goverment District location X: 3119 Y: -1842 inside a destroyed buildingStep 2 – at this location is a fallen scaffolding, walk up and wait for elevator beam to come down Step 3 – jump on elevator beam Step 4 – wait to get to the top and walk or jump off Step 5 – position yourself in fron of the big Explosive Tank and blow it up Step 6 – pick yourself off the ground and collect your +4 Aim. We would like to thank Elapsed for additional information and screenshots. | key facts
Datacron name: Aim +4 Planet: Corellia Coordinates: X: 3140, Y: -1790 Codex: Galactic History 78: The Sith Triumvirate |
Cunning +4Coordinates:X: -2658, Y: -3114Additional information:Step 1) start at X: -2488 Y: -62 Labor District NE cornerStep 2 climb up the Beam around the corner Step 3) make your way around the building along the overhang Step 4) Jump up onto the Duct and climb up onto the scaffolding Step 5) work your way up until you’re directly over the broken bridge Step 6) carefully drop down onto the beams or the bottom floor of the bridge Step 7) jump onto boxes, collect your datacron We would like to thank Elapsed for additional information and screenshots. | key facts
Datacron name: Cunning +4 Planet: Corellia Coordinates: X: -2658, Y: -3114 Codex: Galactic History 81: The Battle of Telos Four |
Green Matrix ShardCoordinates:X: 702, Y: -1884Additional information:Collecting this datacron will give you codex for Quesh planet.This walkthrough works for Republic and Empire both, though Republic will have to fight a couple mobs. Datacron is located at approximately (702, -1884), but if you attempt to walk there directly you’ll just find a bunch of Imperial mobs. Here’s how to get to it. If you click the thing two times in a row quickly your MGSS won’t bug. We would like to thank Raynre Valence and Synyn for additional information and screenshots.
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Datacron name: Green Matrix Shard Planet: Corellia Coordinates: X: 702, Y: -1884 Codex: Galactic History 61: The Brotherhood is Broken |
EMPIRE Willpower +4Coordinates:X: -2404, Y: 2948Additional information:Located on the Incorporation Islands. Start point is at -2296, 2885. You will see two carrier droid passing by beneath, You must jump on to the droid and use them to get to the datacron. I fell down on the one moving towards the datacron, he brings you strait towards it. (this might be the empire one since republic gets another willpower on Corellia)We would like to thank Glemo, Toki and Dodge for additional information.
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Datacron name: EMPIRE Willpower +4 Planet: Corellia Coordinates: X: -2404, Y: 2948 Codex: Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katarr |
In regards to Blue Matrix Shard; Look out for the Droids in the Corridor, they are not happy to see Imperials AT ALL!!
rebublic willpower is codex 79
For the Corellia cunning datacron, please note that as you work your way out to the broken bridge, you will need to drop to the right to be on the side with the datacron.
The republic willpower is Galactic History 79: The Conclave at Katar.
The strength +4 starting coordinates are wrong. The coordinates for the location of the pipe are x-2898, y-2071, z-75, according to my minimap.
Yeah, I found this out, too. Wasted A LOT of time with the wrong coordinates.
Sadly, I have to say that ‘cron 81 is probably the worst description of any I’ve encountered yet. Be sure to circle around the building once you’ve gone up all the way to the weird piping. And between the third-to-last and second-to-last pic, I just want to point out that you can drop down at various spots, but put yourself into walk mode and you can usually walk around barriers if you don’t drop down quite right (because the pictures really aren’t that clear, and I dropped down in 3 different spots but fell further on two of those attempts).
Issues concerning picking up the Blue Shard on Corellia; The door wasn’t bluish at all when I went through it, and it’s not a tunnel, it’s a ramp you go up to get to the “Derelict Service Area”. As a lowbie (Op/Commando-Lv 32) it was very difficult to finally reach the Shard w/all the mobs, had to use med-probes A LOT!!! My map didn’t show Imperial War Camp area North of the Shard at all, might be my first time here on this toon, wasn’t showing up for me.
BTW love the site, this really needs to be updated, any and all help is appreciated. Thanks, Slewtorious, Pub side.
Aim +4 and Empire Willpower are buggy. Aim elevator kicked me off halfway up once (like a “stuck” reset and it’s sloowwwww), second time I released companion and stood with my tip toes on the elevator and it worked fine. Don’t get me started on the Willpower. Hit the stupid droid twice and it glitched, I froze, then fell. Had to leave it. Frustrating. Both of these take a long time to get back into position so it’s extra frustrating.
Yea its just disappointing they have not fixed the bugs after so many patches
green matrix shard is on Quesh, not Corellia
They need to update the information on the datacrons as some of them are buggy after so many expansion patches
On Strenght +4 I jumped onto the arm obviously too hastly and got restuck back onto the starting pipe. It really pissed me off because the shuttle and arm are moving very veery slowly.
For empire willpower/mastery +4, where you have to fall down on the droid, then the beam, you can get back by just typing /stuck, and it puts you back on the ledge before you jumped on the droid. After several failed attempts, and bugged out a couple times, falling onto the droid (invisible beam I assume is the droid track path) I thought I would give it a try, and it works.
Corellia Datacron located @-2658,-3114: Start point should be listed @-2454,-3118. Climb the rubble pile to the beam and proceed from there.