The Republic is fighting to win favor with the Voss, the inhabitants of a newly discovered and mysterious world. Unfortunately, the Empire has also recognized the Voss’s potential as allies. Lord Beldiss, the Empire’s lead diplomat, is actively working to discredit the Republic. You have been asked to assist Ambassador Jannik in his efforts to repair the Republic’s image.
Starting at:
Ambassador Jannik
- Access the Sith Comm Station
The Republic is fighting to win favor with the Voss, the inhabitants of a newly discovered and mysterious world. Unfortunately, the Empire has also recognized the Voss’s potential as allies. Lord Beldiss, the Empire’s lead diplomat, is actively working to discredit the Republic. You have been asked to assist Ambassador Jannik in his efforts to repair the Republic’s image. After discovering Lord Beldiss’s spy network in Voss-Ka, you rescued one of the spies named Malcom Terrax from execution. In exchange, Terrax revealed Lord Beldiss’s plans: He is recruiting failed Mystics and training them to become Sith. If you can catch him in the act, the Empire’s real plans for the Voss will be exposed. The failed Mystics were told to meet Lord Beldiss and his Sith recruiters in the Ruined City. Travel there, access the Sith comm station, and contact Ambassador Jannik to report your findings.More …)