The Republic is fighting to win favor with the Voss, the inhabitants of a newly discovered and mysterious world. Unfortunately, the Empire has also recognized the Voss’s potential as allies. Lord Beldiss, the Empire’s lead diplomat, is actively working to discredit the Republic. You have been asked to assist Ambassador Jannik in his efforts to repair the Republic’s image.
Starting at:
Ambassador Jannik
- Find Malcom Terrax
The Republic is fighting to win favor with the Voss, the inhabitants of a newly discovered and mysterious world. Unfortunately, the Empire has also recognized the Voss’s potential as allies. Lord Beldiss, the Empire’s lead diplomat, is actively working to discredit the Republic. You have been asked to assist Ambassador Jannik in his efforts to repair the Republic’s image. Though you recovered communication logs from Lord Beldiss’s spy network in Voss-Ka, it was not enough to convince Laryn-Ki, the Voss envoy, of the Empire’s true nature.
Now that the Sith Lord’s spy network has been exposed, however, those involved will be executed. Ambassador Jannik has proposed rescuing one of the spies named Malcom Terrax, in the hopes that he’ll share more information. Dusk Squadron, an Imperial execution squad, has been spotted on Voss. They will likely have Malcom Terrax’s location. Infiltrate the the Dusk Squadron camp in the Old Paths and search for Malcom Terrax.More …)
- Unlock the Cage Door
The Republic is fighting to win favor with the Voss, the inhabitants of a newly discovered and mysterious world. Unfortunately, the Empire has also recognized the Voss’s potential as allies. Lord Beldiss, the Empire’s lead diplomat, is actively working to discredit the Republic. You have been asked to assist Ambassador Jannik in his efforts to repair the Republic’s image. Though you recovered communication logs from Lord Beldiss’s spy network in Voss-Ka, it was not enough to convince Laryn-Ki, the Voss envoy, of the Empire’s true nature.
Now that the Sith Lord’s spy network has been exposed, however, those involved will be executed. Ambassador Jannik has proposed rescuing one of the spies named Malcom Terrax, in the hopes that he’ll share more information. Dusk Squadron, an Imperial execution squad, has been spotted on Voss. You infiltrated their camp and found Malcom Terrax being held prisoner inside. Use the cage controls to release him.More …)
- Speak to Malcom Terrax
The Republic is fighting to win favor with the Voss, the inhabitants of a newly discovered and mysterious world. Unfortunately, the Empire has also recognized the Voss’s potential as allies. Lord Beldiss, the Empire’s lead diplomat, is actively working to discredit the Republic. You have been asked to assist Ambassador Jannik in his efforts to repair the Republic’s image. Though you recovered communication logs from Lord Beldiss’s spy network in Voss-Ka, it was not enough to convince Laryn-Ki, the Voss envoy, of the Empire’s true nature.
Now that the Sith Lord’s spy network has been exposed, however, those involved will be executed. Ambassador Jannik has proposed rescuing one of the spies named Malcom Terrax, in the hopes that he’ll share more information. Dusk Squadron, an Imperial execution squad, is holding Malcom Terrax prisoner. When you attempted to release him, you were ambushed. Now that you have defeated the guards, speak to Malcom Terrax and find out if he is willing to help.More …)
- Return to Ambassador Jannik
The Republic is fighting to win favor with the Voss, the inhabitants of a newly discovered and mysterious world. Unfortunately, the Empire has also recognized the Voss’s potential as allies. Lord Beldiss, the Empire’s lead diplomat, is actively working to discredit the Republic. You have been asked to assist Ambassador Jannik in his efforts to repair the Republic’s image. Though you recovered communication logs from Lord Beldiss’s spy network in Voss-Ka, it was not enough to convince Laryn-Ki, the Voss envoy, of the Empire’s true nature.
Now that the Sith Lord’s spy network has been exposed, however, those involved will be executed. Ambassador Jannik has proposed rescuing one of the spies named Malcom Terrax, in the hopes that he’ll share more information. You have successfully freed Malcom Terrax from Dusk Squadron, an elite Imperial execution squad. Return to Ambassador Jannik at the Voss survey outpost to find out if the spy’s information was useful.More …)