Tag Archives: The Slave’s Secret

Full Walkthrough with screenshots for – The Slave’s Secret – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Level: 12 – Upon arriving at Imperial Intelligence headquarters, you found Keeper arguing with Darth Jadus, a powerful Sith Lord. The source of the tension between them is unclear, but Keeper agreed to Darth Jadus’s demand that you be given a special assignment.

Keeper has asked you to meet him in his office. First, however, you must gather equipment for your next mission from the lockers in Intelligence headquarters. – Upon arriving at Imperial Intelligence headquarters, you found Keeper arguing with Darth Jadus, a powerful Sith Lord. The source of the tension between them is unclear, but Keeper agreed to Darth Jadus’s demand that you be given a special assignment.

Keeper has asked you to meet him in his office. First, however, you must gather equipment for your next mission from the lockers in Intelligence headquarters. Continue reading

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