Tag Archives: The Final Piece

Full Walkthrough with screenshots for – The Final Piece – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Level: 40 – Your mission on Hoth is to recruit a technical specialist named Yuun into Havoc Squad. Yuun is currently assigned to recreate an Umbra encrypter, the device responsible for decades of unbreakable Imperial codes, using parts from crashed warships spread across Hoth’s frozen wastes.

Sergeant Yuun has determined that the final Umbra component has been taken to the Star of Coruscant, a fallen dreadnaught occupied by the White Maw pirates. Unfortunately, Sergeant Yuun’s squad has suffered heavy casualties, and they are unable to assist you in recovering the component. Travel to the Star of Coruscant in the Starship Graveyard and recover the final Umbra component. – Your mission on Hoth is to recruit a technical specialist named Yuun into Havoc Squad. Yuun is currently assigned to recreate an Umbra encrypter, the device responsible for decades of unbreakable Imperial codes, using parts from crashed warships spread across Hoth’s frozen wastes.

Sergeant Yuun has determined that the final Umbra component has been taken to the Star of Coruscant, a fallen dreadnaught occupied by the White Maw pirates. Unfortunately, Sergeant Yuun’s squad has suffered heavy casualties, and they are unable to assist you in recovering the component. Travel to the Star of Coruscant in the Starship Graveyard and recover the final Umbra component. Continue reading

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