Tag Archives: Some People Just Need Killing

Some People Just Need Killing – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Level: 50 – After defeating the Supreme Guard, you confronted him inside of his office aboard the Founder ready to fulfill your contract with Darth Tormen. Surprisingly the Supreme Chancellor did not beg or plead for his life, but boldly accepted his fate with the integrity to publicly admit the wrongs that were done against you. He then offered something far more precious; total immunity from all your past crimes on one condition: prove that you aren’t just another mindless pawn of the Empire.

Now all that stands between you and freedom is a sociopath who may be the most powerful Sith lord you’ve ever faced.You’ve told Darth Tormen that you were successful and he’s has order the Tyrant to cover your escape. Take the last remaining escape pod and signal the Tyrant to pick you up. – After defeating the Supreme Guard, you confronted him inside of his office aboard the Founder ready to fulfill your contract with Darth Tormen. Surprisingly the Supreme Chancellor did not beg or plead for his life, but boldly accepted his fate with the integrity to publicly admit the wrongs that were done against you. He then offered something far more precious; total immunity from all your past crimes on one condition: prove that you aren’t just another mindless pawn of the Empire.

Now all that stands between you and freedom is a sociopath who may be the most powerful Sith lord you’ve ever faced. Continue reading

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