Tag Archives: Prison Riot

Prison Riot – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Level: 50 – You are on your way to rescue Supreme Commander Rans and other Republic officers from the Empire’s prison facility on Ilum. As you fight your way inside, take whatever steps are necessary to shut down the prison for good.

You have successfully caused enough chaos to shut down the Imperial prison, including defeating Prison Overseer Kutille. Deliver his ring of office to the dropbox at the Republic base camp as proof of his demise. – You are on your way to rescue Supreme Commander Rans and other Republic officers from the Empire’s prison facility on Ilum. As you fight your way inside, take whatever steps are necessary to shut down the prison for good.

You have successfully caused enough chaos to shut down the Imperial prison, including defeating Prison Overseer Kutille. Deliver his ring of office to the dropbox at the Republic base camp as proof of his demise. Continue reading

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