Tag Archives: A New Epoch of Fear

A New Epoch of Fear – Quest – Star Wars: The Old Republic – Guide with all choices and branches – Level: 32 – You defeated the Eagle and his terror network, but the Eradicators–the Eagle’s orbital strike weapons–could begin firing randomly on Imperial worlds at any moment. You possess half the command codes needed to deactivate or retarget the Eradicators; the second half is in the hands of the Eagle’s mysterious “patron.”

Intelligence believes this patron may be based in the Artus System. You are to find the Eagle’s patron and obtain his half of the command codes–but before you depart, Darth Zhorrid wishes to speak with you in the Citadel on Dromund Kaas. – You defeated the Eagle and his terror network, but the Eradicators–the Eagle’s orbital strike weapons–could begin firing randomly on Imperial worlds at any moment. You possess half the command codes needed to deactivate or retarget the Eradicators; the second half is in the hands of the Eagle’s mysterious “patron.”

Intelligence believes this patron may be based in the Artus System. You are to find the Eagle’s patron and obtain his half of the command codes–but before you depart, Darth Zhorrid wishes to speak with you in the Citadel on Dromund Kaas. Continue reading

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