An influential Senator named Evran is holding a large number of troops in reserve to protect the planet Voss from a possible Imperial attack. The troops are desperately needed on the front lines of the war, so your mission is to do whatever is necessary to foil the Empire’s attack plans and convince Evran that his reserves aren’t needed.
- Investigate Outpost Shadowstrike
An influential Senator named Evran is holding a large number of troops in reserve to protect the planet Voss from a possible Imperial attack. The troops are desperately needed on the front lines of the war, so your mission is to do whatever is necessary to foil the Empire’s attack plans and convince Evran that his reserves aren’t needed. Begin by investigating the Imperial guerrilla base code-named “Outpost Shadowstrike” that the SIS located in the Old Paths region. Your objectives are an Imperial saboteur known as Deadfall, and any data left by the Imperials in the facility. You can reach the area using a speeder from Voss-Ka.More …)
- Access the Database Computer
An influential Senator named Evran is holding a large number of troops in reserve to protect the planet Voss from a possible Imperial attack. The troops are desperately needed on the front lines of the war, so your mission is to do whatever is necessary to foil the Empire’s attack plans and convince Evran that his reserves aren’t needed. While investigating Outpost Shadowstrike in the Old Paths region, you discovered an Imperial database computer. Activate the computer to gather information about the Imperials’ plans.More …)
- Defeat Deadfall
An influential Senator named Evran is holding a large number of troops in reserve to protect the planet Voss from a possible Imperial attack. The troops are desperately needed on the front lines of the war, so your mission is to do whatever is necessary to foil the Empire’s attack plans and convince Evran that his reserves aren’t needed. While investigating the Imperial database computer inside Outpost Shadowstrike in the Old Paths region, you were ambushed by the Imperial saboteur known as Deadfall. Defeat Deadfall and his soldiers.More …)
- Defeat Deadfall’s Soldiers
( An influential Senator named Evran is holding a large number of troops in reserve to protect the planet Voss from a possible Imperial attack. The troops are desperately needed on the front lines of the war, so your mission is to do whatever is necessary to foil the Empire’s attack plans and convince Evran that his reserves aren’t needed. While investigating the Imperial database computer inside Outpost Shadowstrike in the Old Paths region, you were ambushed by the Imperial saboteur known as Deadfall. Defeat Deadfall and his soldiers.)
- Access the Database Computer
An influential Senator named Evran is holding a large number of troops in reserve to protect the planet Voss from a possible Imperial attack. The troops are desperately needed on the front lines of the war, so your mission is to do whatever is necessary to foil the Empire’s attack plans and convince Evran that his reserves aren’t needed. While investigating Outpost Shadowstrike in the Old Paths region, you discovered an Imperial database computer. Activate the computer to gather information about the Imperials’ plans.More …)