Use your ship’s galaxy map to travel to Voss and begin your next operation.
- Travel to Voss
Use your ship’s galaxy map to travel to Voss and begin your next operation.More …)
- Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
Use your ship’s holoterminal to contact General Garza for a briefing of your mission on Voss.More …)
- Go to Senator Evran’s Office
An influential Senator named Evran is holding a large number of troops in reserve to protect the planet Voss from a possible Imperial attack. The troops are desperately needed on the front lines of the war, so your mission is to do whatever is necessary to foil the Empire’s attack plans and convince Evran that his reserves aren’t needed.
Begin by meeting with Senator Evran in his office in the Alien Enclave of Voss-Ka. You can reach the planet’s surface using a shuttle available in the Republic orbital station.More …)
- Speak to Senator Evran
An influential Senator named Evran is holding a large number of troops in reserve to protect the planet Voss from a possible Imperial attack. The troops are desperately needed on the front lines of the war, so your mission is to do whatever is necessary to foil the Empire’s attack plans and convince Evran that his reserves aren’t needed.
Begin by meeting with Senator Evran in his office in the Alien Enclave of Voss-Ka. You can reach the planet’s surface using a shuttle available in the Republic orbital station.More …)