The Ancient One Loot and Location

BROWSE DATABASE Named Mobs and Bosses
Name: The Ancient One
Location: Taris
Coordinates: X: -800, Y: -656

The Ancient OneCodex Entry.

The Ancient One is level 38 world boss located in The Sinking City (Taris). Players should be level 35-36 for this fight. This Boss is triggered by clicking on the dead body located around x:(-800), y:(-656).

This Boss spawns adds periodically (approximately every 10-15% health loss).

We would like to thank Dirty McNasty, Manny and Deomist for additional information.
Note: Some of these items have random generated stats. If you see an item without stats it is because you will get one variation of that item with randomly assigned stats.

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4 Responses to The Ancient One Loot and Location

  1. Comment by NazTheEternal made on December 24, 2011 at 6:10 am

    Location is approx [-800, -656]

    Activated by clicking on dead Jedi on the ground

  2. Comment by Giddy made on July 26, 2012 at 11:12 pm

    Empire only.

  3. Comment by TheHaeg made on September 16, 2013 at 1:32 am

    Correct coordinates are -744,-700 for Imperial Taris.

  4. Comment by tavi made on October 10, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    Please just add this world boss is only for imperial classes. Thanks