Sith Monitor Loot and Location

BROWSE DATABASE Named Mobs and Bosses
Name: Sith Monitor
Location: Ilum
Coordinates: X: -308, Y: -244

There are couple of Sith Monitors in area around Imperial Waystation.
No loot tables have been made yet. We’ll have them soon ™

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2 Responses to Sith Monitor Loot and Location

  1. Comment by Fenji KLahan made on August 25, 2019 at 6:50 pm

    this seems impossible. there is only 1 sith monitor at the waystation. in the far back surounded by troops and turrets that you cannot beat. I did this with a group 4 230 gear and we didnt even get close. we get shot down by those turrets really quickly

    • Comment by Czar'Kastic made on November 30, 2021 at 7:15 pm

      So it can be done, I almost just did it but need one or two more with me as my gear is low (less than 200) and comp is 23, approach the site from the east , get those droids and troops then get the second group on the right (did these solo) then click on the Sith Monitor, slowly advance until your “pull” ability goes active and pull him to you, if you do it carefully the turrets will not activate, I had him and looked as if my 23 comp was going to be able to but the mobs respawned and I got creamed