SWTOR Reputation Pets 1.7

New SWTOR Game Update 1.7 Return of the Gree introduces new Reputation Pets. Before you can buy a pet, you need to accurate specific reputation rank with that organization. The Reputation track for each organization is divided into six ranks – Outsider, Newcomer, Friend, Hero, Champion, and Legend. As your Reputation Rank increases, new rewards will become available to you.

Gree Data Core

Requires Newcomer Standing with The Gree Enclave
Location: Ilum
Vendor: Rodok’k

Miniature Grey Secant

Requires Legend Standing with The Gree Enclave
Location: Ilum
Vendor: Rodok’k

Baby Drouk

Requires Legend Standing with Republic Fifth Assault Battalion
Location: Belsavis (Section X)
Vendor: Lieutenant Falk

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