Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Voss

Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Voss achievement can be found under Legacy > Achievements > Location > Voss > Exploration > Droid Reconnaissance: Voss. This achievement counts for 10 achievement points, and it is a part of the main Droid Reconnaissance Achievement called The Droid’s You’re Looking For ( Legacy > Achievements > Location > General > Macrobinoculars ). Locations marked on the map are the areas from where you can spot MCR-99 Droids.

Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Voss

1. Droid Position

Voss-Ka, at the top of the Tower of Prophecy.

2. Droid Position

The Old Paths, Eastern part, look up toward the Voss-Ka building, droid is next to it (If you try to reach this point from Voss-Ka, you will not find droid there).

3. Droid Position

The Pelath-Ri Marches, at Northern map edge point your view toward a gap.

4. Droid Position

The Pelath-Ri Marches, Northeastern part, under the roof of upside down letter “U” building.
We would like to thank Oorin for sending us new screenshot.

5. Droid Position

The Nightmare Lands, Northwest from The Dark Heart, at the edge of small hill.

6. Droid Position

The Gormak Lands, Southwestern part, inside a small “watchtower” attached to a rock mountain.
Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Voss Achievement

Source: Official MCR-99 droid locations (hidden planetary achievements), MCR-99 Droid Locations post 2.0 on Swtor official Forums. We would like to thank SWTOR community members for all additional information.

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One Response to Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Voss

  1. Comment by bluemustache made on April 11, 2015 at 5:03 am

    about the nÂș 2 droid, you can sneak behind the house.. even if the droid is not visually there, you will reach a invisible wall.. using the macrobinocular will confirm the droid presence