Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Hoth

Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Hoth achievement can be found under Legacy > Achievements > Location > Hoth > Exploration > Droid Reconnaissance: Hoth. This achievement counts for 10 achievement points, and it is a part of the main Droid Reconnaissance Achievement called The Droid’s You’re Looking For ( Legacy > Achievements > Location > General > Macrobinoculars ). Marked locations on the map are the areas from where you can spot MCR-99 Droids.

Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Hoth Location Map

1. Droid Position

Clabburn Tundra, in the center of the map, at the top of the hottest point of planet Hoth. It is a small earth crack from where lava is coming out.

2. Droid Position

Clabburn Tundra, Southeastern part, bellow the ice bridge.

3. Droid Position

Highmount Ridge, at the top of the tall structure, west from Leth Outpost.

4. Droid Position

Highmount Ridge, Southern part, on the top of a wrecked spaceship.

5. Droid Position

The Starship Graveyard, Northeastern part, on the top of the broken spaceship part which sticks out from the ground.

6. Droid Position

The Starship Graveyard, Southern part, inside a back motor engine.
Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Hoth Achievement

Source: Official MCR-99 droid locations (hidden planetary achievements), MCR-99 Droid Locations post 2.0 on Swtor official Forums. We would like to thank SWTOR community members for all additional information.

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