1. Droid Position
Gorinth Canyon, Northeastern part, on the top of a junk pile.2. Droid Position
Gorinth Canyon, Eastern part, just bellow the bridge that connects Gorinth Canyon and Sundari Flatlands.3. Droid Position
Gorinth Canyon, North from Outpost Victory, on a balcony.4. Droid Position
Gorinth Canyon, at the top of a eastern Troida Military Workshop roof.5. Droid Position
Markaran Plains, Northern part, on the top of a building.6. Droid Position
Markaran Plains, Southern part, on the top of a building.
Source: Official MCR-99 droid locations (hidden planetary achievements), MCR-99 Droid Locations post 2.0 on Swtor official Forums. We would like to thank SWTOR community members for all additional information.