Swtor Buried Evils |
Swtor Buried Evils is the second seeker droids mission. For empire players the equivalent mission is Weapons of Chaos. It takes you to four different planets before it is completed. When you collect your first seeker droid seed, you are granted with a codex The Seeds of Rage. Seed that you need to collect looks as the seed from the codex.
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HOVER OVER YOUR MINI-MAP, since player or cursor coordinates are usually incorrect. Thank you.
I think it’s possible the sites change. While doing this quest with my Sith sorcerer I found the seed in the PVP area SSE of Outpost Salara.
disregard, didn’t realize that drone picks up other items as well. The one for Tatooine was correct.
For my Sith, the site of the seed is in the Jedi Enclave Expedition Site.