Willpower +4Coordinates:X: -29, Y: 372Additional information:From Voss Ka you should travel to The Old Paths (Empire – Fort Kodentha, Republic – Ken-la) outpost. Go to X:-670, Y:356 left to the two cave entrances is a path up hill you want to take. Follow the path, jump at some rocks, go through the cave and you will see the datacron.We would like to thank Briseis and Alora for screenshots and additional information. | key facts
Datacron name: Willpower +4 Planet: Voss Coordinates: X: -29, Y: 372 Codex: Galactic History 77: A Return to the Unknown Regions advertisement |
Presence +4Coordinates:X: 2144, Y: -840Additional information:Located in The Nightmare Lands (Lake of the Unseen). You touch the meditation tablet X:2002 Y:-940 to be taken to the spirit world and the datacron is right there.We would like to thank Kristi and Ki’yora for additional information. | key facts
Datacron name: Presence +4 Planet: Voss Coordinates: X: 2144, Y: -840 Codex: Galactic History 75: The Jedi Civil War advertisement |
Endurance +4Coordinates:X: -1950, Y: -2220Additional information:In the Shrine of Healing, go to the lower level. At X:-1950, Y:-2220 is a datacron waiting for you. Using the datacron, it will tell you that you are not worthy. Go to the NE corner of the room, click on the green healing crystal to meditate to be “healed”. After this is done, you can collect the datacron!.There is a possibility that you will not have to use the healing crystal , and just go directly for the datacron (this might be a situation where you finish couple of missions before you go for the datacron , missions like Roadblock or The Trials ). For Empire: Imperials need to complete the following quests to be able to use the green crystal in the NE corner of the room and subsequently the datacron.The Gormak Problem – obtained at Pilgrim Retreat. Once have completed that you get sent to see Dalga-Wo in the Shrine of Healing, who gives you the quest The Trials. The Trials doesn’t take that long to do, once completed then you can use the crystal in the NE corner and then the datacron. For Republic: First you have to finish The Trial quest and then you can use the crystal. We would like to thank Wayne L. and Ly’nzza for additional information.
| key facts
Datacron name: Endurance +4 Planet: Voss Coordinates: X: -1950, Y: -2220 Codex: Galactic History 73: The Battle of Malachor Five advertisement |
Strength +4Coordinates:X: 655, Y: 2049Additional information:This is a rather easy datacron to get. You need to go through a small passage between the rocks and you enter a nice little open area with a few enemy mobs and the datacron. | key facts
Datacron name: Strength +4 Planet: Voss Coordinates: X: 655, Y: 2049 Codex: Galactic History 76: Revan is Remade |
Cunning +4Coordinates:X: 515, Y: 175Additional information:Datacron is located inside the Heroic area “The Boneyard” in “The Nightmare Lands”. You need to loot a Fallen Trooper to get the Shield codes and than use a nearby panel to deactivate the Shield. Behind it is an elevator that takes you straight to the datacron.I would like to thank the user Sobekhotep for stopping by and leaving the comment with information on how to get this datacron.
| key facts
Datacron name: Cunning +4 Planet: Voss Coordinates: X: 515, Y: 175 Codex: Galactic History 74: Revan and Malak Fall |
How about NOT having the map in German. That’d be a great freaking help.
You should read additional information where the whole travel rout is written in English.
Also If you spend one second actually using your brain instead of being ungrateful you might realize that stuff like “Schrein der Heilung” is “Shrine of Healing” and “Pilger-Ruckzugsort” is “Pilgrim’s Retreat”. Seriously, it’s not rocket science. Anyway, thank you to whoever wrote this! This was massively helpful.
There’s another Voss datacron at:
X: 2001, Y: -941, Z: 27 in The Nightmare Lands (Lake of the Unseen). You touch the meditation tablet to be taken to the spirit world and the datacron is right there. Sorry, no screencaps.
Thank you, I posted your information to the datacron page.
next datacron is in the shrine of healing
the +4 to presence is at x: 2001 y; -941
In Voss, Endurance +4 Datacron.
In Shrine of Healing, go to lower level. At -1950, -2220 is a datacron waiting for you. Using the datacron, it will tell you that you are not worthy. Go to the NE corner of the room, click on the item to meditate to be “healed”. After this is done, you can collect the datacron!
cant access still. did the trial, used the healing flame (need more knowledge to use), and tried the cron again. nothing beneficial. any advice?
You have tio follow the planetary questline that starts on the orbital station, at least until after the quest ” the trials”
Meditation spot coordinates should be added for access to codex “Galactic History 75: The Jedi Civil War”
X:2002 Y:27 Meditation spot.
there is no land at 2001, 941…
the +4 to presence is at x: 2001 y; -941
Cunning +4 Nightmarelands
At 510,139 Heroic area boneyards is a shielded elevator going deep underground. Go a bit west,south-west and on the west side of a derelict is a clickable body. Take the codes from it and return to the elevator. Use the codes on the panel.
Climb on the elevator. It goes down a missile shaft. At thye end of the route, north east side is the datacron in an alcove (also a shield console).
Strength +4, Gormak Lands 654,217
At the end of the ledge at 573,211 is a hidden path going south to a plateau. Follow that. In the middle of the plateau is a rock and on the east side (not on the rock, by it) is the datacron.
Your location is wrong, it is in the Nightmare lands, off of the Boneyards. (at least for an empire player that is where those coordinates are.
Those coordinates are wrong too. I went there. No datacron, so it must be one of those that is for republic only.
Teh correct coords for the path entrance is 573, 2110. 0 was left off on the original posted coords.
To get the endurance +4 datacron in the shrine of healing you might need to pick up the heroic quest first. this let’s you go into the group phase, which is the lower level. the mission is in the shrine from a terminal thing
disregard this. i thought you meant the actual lower level. but it’s on the same level as when you enter.
For the Voss Endurance Datacron you must first complete the trials quest. Then you can meditate at the healing shrine to unlock the datacron.
I did the quest, still the crystal says I need to learn how to use it… Any ideas?
The quest? Isn’t this the Bonus series?
nm, they are just part of the natural base questline after all despite “the trials” being listed as part of the bonus series on some sites.
I can confirm this. Please make a note. The healing stone will not work until you finish the trial. Also, if you click on the healing stone before the trial, you don’t have to click it again.
didnt matter for me. lvl 47 and completed the trials quest, clicked the cron, nothing. clicked the healing flame, nothing.
about the datacron in the shrine of healing. not sure if the imperial side gets the quest but for the republics before you can even use the healing crystal it seemed like you had to do The Trials quest beforehand then use the crystal and get the datacron and i think you may also have to click on the guy on the floor before hitting the crystal
Is there any confirmation as to whether or not this is a republic only datacron?
Endurance +4
Please, show the starting coordinates and maps.. thanks!
Its in the Shrine of Healing which as long as you do the quests on voss you end up going through so no pics or coordinates are needed. all you need to know is that you need to do The Trials quest before hand and that you need to hit the healing crystal in the upper right corner before gettin the cron
For the +4 Endurance datacron: I’ve done the trials and the healing crystal says “You must learn more” I went outside and, on Bera-De, performed the “March of Time” quest. I hit 50 shortly after landing on the planet, so, I suspect there’s something more that needs to be done in addition to get access to the Datacron.
As Republic, it looks like you need to follow the planet story line that leads you to the Temple of Healing, complete the mission line that leads you upstairs first, in addition to the Trials mission
When I try to get the Cunning +4 at The Boneyard, it does not allow me and gives me a message: You must complete missions to do this.
Nevermind. Quest log was full, preventing me from getting datacron.
Endurance +4 requires you to complete the Trials quest, which begins with the quest “Roadblock”, given by a Voss at the Pilgrim Retreat (easily missed … off the road to the right, half way from the Ken-la Outpost to the shrine of healing).
Voss Cunning +4. There is a tunnel, around 31,911 in the Gormack Lands that leads into an uncharted part of the Voss map. You can jump up to get into it. Follow it through, then follow the path, it leads into the Heroic area “The Boneyard” in “The Nightmare Lands”. If you are careful and keep as left as possible, follow the wall around to the trooper and the elevator.
Just realised, they are the tunnels you fly through if you get the shuttle from Camp Talanis to Shad-Ka outpost. When the shuttle does a hard right turn in the “off map” bit, you can see a red datacron too.
The path to the strength + 4 datachron starts at X 578, Y 1918 , Z 213 – is easy walk dont need to “climb boulders to get to path.
It really IS inconvenient that, on an English website. all of your screenshots are in Deutsch.
Screenshots for the first Voss datacron were submitted by one of the non-English players. We wanted to honor his help to the website by leaving the screenshots intact and not replacing them with our own English versions. Other datacrons are in English and besides, it is the images that matter (and explanations bellow the images are in English).
On the Endurance datacron in the Shrine of Healing, in order to use the healing crystal, you have to complete all of the heroics first. Which can be obtained in the cantina in Voss-ka
I found a strange datacron in voss, on Desolation Pass, this datacron is white and says that is different from others datacrons. I don’t win anything when i touch him and the animation screen have black bars on top and bot when you talk with.
Datacron at X:131, Y: 575, Z: 120 in a small ledge netx to Desolation Pass Eastern Entrance.
Sorry about my english, i’m Brazilian.
Most people might know this but for those who don’t…
What used to be Voss’ Willpower +4 Datacron is now the Purple Mastery Datacron.
What used to be the Strength +4 Datacron is now the Red Mastery Datacron.
What used to be the Cunning +4 Datacron is now the Orange Mastery Datacron.
What used to be the Endurance +4 Datacron is now th Blue Mastery Datacron.
As someone else noted, there’s a sixth datacron in Desolation Pass at about 129, 576. It lets me use it and acts like normal except the bars at the top and bottom, which some on Coruscant had too I think. I have screenshots of how to find it.
Willpower is now Mastery.