Endurance +2Coordinates:X: -33, Y: -102Additional information:The Datacron is located at the entrance of a cave. You can climb but it’s little difficult. The easiest way is to find the other entrance to the cave located at coordinates X:-26; Y:34. There are several non-elite mobs level 6 in the cave tunnel.Note: Datacron Endurance +2 unlocks Galactic History 09: The Force Wars | key facts
Datacron name: Endurance +2 Planet: Tython Coordinates: X: -33, Y: -102 Codex: Galactic History 09: The Force Wars advertisement |
Willpower + 2Coordinates:X: -648, Y: -72Additional information:The Datacron is located on the west side of the map in the Ruins of Kaleth area. It’s on the hill at the base of a statue. The path to the Datacron starts at coordinates X:-604; Y:59; Use the fallen column to climb to Upper Kaleth area, make your way up the fallen column to your right. You will see the statue and the Datacron at the base of a statue.Note: Datacron Willpower + 2 unlocks Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster
| key facts
Datacron name: Willpower + 2 Planet: Tython Coordinates: X: -648, Y: -72 Codex: Galactic History 10: The Tion Cluster advertisement |
Blue Matrix ShardCoordinates:X: -93, Y: 922Additional information:This Datacron is located amongst the Flesh Raiders at The Forge Remnants.Note: Blue Matrix Shard unlocks Galactic History 11: The Tionese Face the Hutt Empire
| key facts
Datacron name: Blue Matrix Shard Planet: Tython Coordinates: X: -93, Y: 922 Codex: Galactic History 11: The Tionese Face the Hutt Empire advertisement |
This one can also be reached by jumping up the cliff rather than going through the cave.
Endurance +2
Coordinates: X: -33, Y: -102
Untrue, can easily be reached via the cave.
ok mis-read your comment, but the cave is the easiest way.
Actually the climbing was pretty easy π
i agree, i climbed up in one minute, didn’t fall a single time
There is actually an easier way to get in and out to get the Blue Matrix Shard on Tython… You go just past the arched gate before the entrence to the forge just as you first see the entrence as you are are going up the hill on the trail, make a hard right turn, almost as if you were making “U” turn and head up the hill. You will come up near the wall where the Datacron is. you will see a broken part of what looks likea sidewalk where part of the wall is missing. Walk up and jump up where is broken off and Wa- La! there is the Datacron. Caddy corner to where you get the Datacron is a ramp that you can go up that and turn to jump on the wall to get out and will come up to a tree where you have to jump down. Just remember to look before you jump… I did not have to fight anyone to get in. But you might get caugt trying to get over, but not to bad.
Instructions for these are still unclear in some ways. Blue Matrix shard shows for me at (x,y) -91,93. It’s no where near the coordinates posted. Also the gallery pictures should include the view from the mini map as to datacrons locations as that would make it abundantly clear where these are located. I appreciate the effort though.
blue matrix shard location CANNOT be accurate… those coordinates (-93,93) places it around the water under the waterfall as your going to the forge… no where near the forge remnants. I have however noticed why… when going to map for some reason it has player coordinates wrong until you move some (hope this helps)
The datacron is located at -91, 933.
To get there go south along the west wall just past the entrance to the Fount and look for a gate entrance on the wall, go thru there and head for the south west corner where the south wall meets the hill. climb the hill and go over it. You will see a Flesh Raiders camp. Its in the south east corner of the court yard where the Flesh Raider War Leader is kneeling and “worshiping it”.
Untrue, 2 people racing to get it, starting from the path in front, cliff hopper (who knows the simple path) would win almost everytime. It’s more fun, exploratory and simple.
It is wonderful!! I have never been able to see or find the datacroms and now I am having the time of my gaming career. Thank you and have a blessed life.
Everyone the actual location for the datacrons is shown on βthe Datacron at Last!β jpeg. Click on the image then enlarge it. Look at the coordinates for the Player not the Cursor.
Good gaming,
Near the Blue Shard Datacron (underneath a platform at -137, 892, -11) is a tuning-fork looking device called “Ancient Crystal Tuning Device” – If you click on it, you channel for a few seconds and get a message “The purpose of this device eludes you” – I haven’t found any further information on this item anywhere.
ok i have collected all the Datacrons but when i look at legacy for the planet one doesn’t show and when i go back to them i cant collect what can i do please
you couldve mentioned the warlord by the blue matrix. lol
Matrix Shards No Longer Exist
Not true, the blue matrix shard does exist. Just got it 6 years after your comment. Can confirm coords -92, 921. Standing right on top of it.
Falta una, que esta en las ruinas del templo jedi, hayq que subir al segundo piso, es un datacron rojo