Republic – Aim +3Coordinates:X: -3362, Y: -3316Additional information:Located in the Nikto Sector, watch out for the Kintan Kings in the area.
| key facts
Datacron name: Republic – Aim +3 Planet: Nar Shaddaa Coordinates: X: -3362, Y: -3316 Codex: Galactic History 33: Dromund Kaas advertisement |
Cunning +3Coordinates:X: 1958, Y: 3288Additional information:This Datacron is located in the Incinerator Room in the High Security Lockdown Section on Nar Shadaa, and is one of the more *painful* Datacrons to get to.You will have to pick the right code out of the 7 offered. The correct code is 326:3827 (the second in the list). This is exactly the unit number of the maintenance hatch in the garbage room on death star 1 (“A new hope”). I would like to thank a lot our visitor Jochen Keitel that shared this information with us! When you collect this datacron, activate the Old Prize Machine (next to datacron) to get the item Slot Decoder. You need this item to open the slot mashine and get Matrix Shard Datacron!!
| key facts
Datacron name: Cunning +3 Planet: Nar Shaddaa Coordinates: X: 1958, Y: 3288 Codex: Galactic History 34: The Discovery of Ryll advertisement |
Republic – Strength +3Coordinates:X: 2156, Y: 3103Additional information:This Datacron is located in the Shadow Town Access Tunnels, and can be a royal pain to get to if you are not good at pipe and girder jumping.
| key facts
Datacron name: Republic – Strength +3 Planet: Nar Shaddaa Coordinates: X: 2156, Y: 3103 |
Yellow Matrix ShardCoordinates:X: 1781, Y: 3084Additional information:This is rather difficult to get to, and if you fall, you often have to deal with the re-spawns. You need to come from High security sector (you come out from Incinerator Room) to Upper Industrial Sector and head to the Republic Research Division. Take the elevator down to the Network Security District.The datacron is located inside Slot machine. Use the Slot Decoder (from Cunning +3 datacron)to open the Slot machine.
| key facts
Datacron name: Yellow Matrix Shard Planet: Nar Shaddaa Coordinates: X: 1781, Y: 3084 Codex: Galactic History 36: The Quarren-Mon Calamari War |
Empire – Aim +3Coordinates:X: -3699, Y: -1692Additional information:To get to this datacron you need to ride a very slow hovering kiosk. You need to get on top of a small roof at -3791, -1668. Use the nearby shelves to climb the roof and wait for the kiosk to arrive. The kiosk will pass right next to the roof and it is an easy jump. It will take you to the ledge with the datacron in about 5 minutes of travel time.
| key facts
Datacron name: Empire – Aim +3 Planet: Nar Shaddaa Coordinates: X: -3699, Y: -1692 |
Empire – Presence +3Coordinates:X: 2930, Y: 400Additional information:This datacron requires some skill in jumping. You need to jump on top of some boxes (1598, -2664). Once on top of those you need to jump on one beam, than the second, and than the third. You cross that beam and jump on a couple of boxes to cross a canvas to an elevator. The elevator takes you to a platform high above the Heroic area and across some pipes and another canvas you reach the datacron.
| key facts
Datacron name: Empire – Presence +3 Planet: Nar Shaddaa Coordinates: X: 2930, Y: 400 Codex: Galactic History 35: The Gank Massacres |
Empire – Strength +3Coordinates:X: 2017, Y: 2441Additional information:This datacron is very fun to get to and not too hard. From the Network Access Taxi station you need to go just a bit around and jump down some platforms to an unmanned taxi that will take you to the datacron’s location – like a boss.
| key facts
Datacron name: Empire – Strength +3 Planet: Nar Shaddaa Coordinates: X: 2017, Y: 2441 Codex: Galactic History 37: Freedon Nadd |
Note: You need something called a “slot decoder” to get this datacron, so don’t bother going to get it until you have one.
Where is the slot decoder?
You have to get the slot decoder when you go to get the Cunning datacron.
Right, so for the empire players who have been wondering how to get to that cunning and yellow shard datacron:
You can get to the right places via the Upper Industrial Sector taxi, then left to the Republic Research Division and finally the elevator to Network Security District.
I had to figure this out by myself since that wasn’t clear, not even in the comments. So now it is. Good Luck with getting those two y’all!
So, to get to the High Security Lockdown, from where the imperials enter the Network Security District (yellow shard) area, move straight on down south into the High Security Lockdown (cunning datacron) area. From there on, just follow the walk-throughs mentioned above.
Ok here’s a little thing to keep in mind. I haven’t tried all of them but I know 3 STR one is different for Sith Empire players. So do not go crazy trying to find shadow town access tunnels like I did..
Sith side 3 STR is at Network Access. Imperial Data Center on the map makes a little hook shape on the map. Go to the tip of that hook and look down. You will see an unmanned taxi. Jump down to the pipes below youto get to the taxi without dying and ride it to your datacron. There’s a datapad on the ground to take you back to the base. Enjoy!
thanks for the tip i was starting to go a lil nuts
I’m about 95% certain they’re all different for Sith. Looking at the locations, I haven’t figured out how to get to the Nikto Sector, the Red Light District, or Shadow Town as my Sith Warrior. Also, you can notice that all of the screenshots are of a Smuggler\Gunslinger.
Nikto Sector, Red Light District and Shadow Town are Republic Zones Only. Imperial Zones are Corellian Sector, Duros Sector and not sure about the third
The Yellow Shard Matrix doesnt seem complete…
Umm, yeah this doesn’t work at all for Empire. Hooray for wasting credits on taxis…
Is this for republic only?
In Neebray Warehouse, 2nd lvl, you will find a yellow shard.
It is behind an energy barrier, guarded by 2 easy mobs, but you need two players to push the buttons at the same time to lower the barrier.
An easy shard to get to.
Neebray Warehouse is on Balmorra. This is the Nar Shaddaa page.
It seems that there are different datacoms for Imperials. Listing this as the complete list is a little misleading.
The ones for the Sith side are different (at least they were in beta). One is in the Corellian Sector (ride a floating Kiosk up to it), one is in the Duros Sector (near group area, climb boxes and crates and ride elevator to Residence level), Below the Network Access Taxi (at entrance jump down to ledge and follow it around to another Taxi to get a ride over to it). I remember one below the High Security Lockdown, but never figured it out. And the last one had to do with something called “Prize Machine” (before Nar Shaddaa was revamped in Beta)
North of Imperial Data Center. Pipe jump down to Unmanned taxi.
Ride it.
+3 STR.
Great site man thankyou so much for this the screenshots make it the best one.
can I ask you how to put powers on the side of the screen in the screenshots or am i being stupid?
preferences > user interface > quickbars > enable left/right quickslot ๐
Can I get those Empire datacrons if I’m a Republic player?
Hi, trying to get to the High Security Sector ones as a Sith Player. I can’t use the taxi for the ward. Anyone know if you can unlock it? and if so, how?
no the only datacrons that are shared are cunning plus 3 and the yellow matrix shard, however ech faction approaches them from a different area
I cant find the cunning +3, or rather i cant find the area youre describing. Which taxi should I take and where to go from there. Basic problem with all your screenshots/descriptions, they do not start from scrath but are at some map u need to know where is or able to find via looking on the minimap of your screenshot.
How do I find this Incinerator Room in the High Security Lockdown Section?
you have to be a lil’ deep on the Nar Shaddaa bonus missions adn you will come across the High Security Lockdown area.
@Albi-Wan… Can you be more specific? I’ve completed the bonus missions and am trying to go back and find the High Security Lockdown area… to no avail. If the nearest Taxi point could be listed among the Key Facts for each datacron/shard this would make finding them 100x easier.
the map is deceptive- it is in an area full of level 30 mobs. After you get off the taxi in industrial sector, run left.
That is not correct I am in the high security lockdown right now at level 22 I might add i’m dying alot but u do not need to do any planet quests main story or bonus series to get here. I followed the instructions on taking the taxi to industrial sector then took the south east elevator which is called the WEST not east one and followed the map until I arrived to high security lockdown. I’m a completionist so i’m doing this at an early level so I don’t have to return for them but I just wanted to post because you do not need to be in a specific part of the story line to get them.
Empire: Take taxi to Industrial sector, then go to the Republic Research division. Here take the elevator to Network Security District and here is the elevator to High Security Lockdown. Then follow the instruction above
No can do as empire level 50 droids and other enemies come out of alien refuge and blast you sky high, have to go long way round.
That worked for me – thank you!
Republic: Take the taxi to the Lower Industrial Sector. From the taxi point go left and enter the Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse. Take the elevator located in the southeast corner of the area and you will get to the Network Security District. You will find the entrance to the High Security Lockdown area in the west side of the Network Security District. Got this from the old republic dot net site. Should’ve went there first, would’ve saved 600 credits in taxi fees.
Can anyone suggest a consistent way of jumping forwards? I’m trying to reach the datacron in the Nikto area and I keep dropping off the side of the small boxes that are used to reach the 1st container.
Then in the 1 in 20 times I somehow manage to get to the container, when I try and jump to the 2nd container, I miss and end up on the edge of the one beneath it.
I’ve spend ages on this. The contols are just so poor (with or without speed on)
I found that as i hold the right mouse button down, i’ll then hit the jump button(default spacebar) and immediatly press the forward key on the keyboard. Don’t hold it, just single press. This is for hoping up and over to a spot, not to just jump up on a box u are right against else it will bounce you backwards.
i find that diagonal jumps are easier in most cases where falling to your death is a threat. it gives you more possible landing area
there are obvious exceptions to this (and usually very easy jumps that you could almost walk up)
jump from the top of the single box, not from the top of the double stacked boxes.
I found it helps if you don’t have Sprint activated.
I was trying to jump from the top box/crate, but your head hits the canopy overhead and you’ll always fall short. Make sure you’re jumping from the single crate, not the two stacked on top of one another.
If your character is tall, you can not jump to the second large container as your head hits the roof, and you get pushed down.
I blew a few fuses trying, then i figured it out, hopped on my speeder, and shit worked fine.
when jumping onto the top of shipping containers, sometimes You can actually jump on the handle on the end, then to the top from there.
There is a few in Voss:
in the temple (-1950,-2222) on the top right of the map one sits in the middle of a large room. Looking at the datacron when you enter, walk to the rear right (north east if i remember correctly) to find a healing crystal, use it then return to the datacron.
The next is a datacron found by using an artifact fragment way in the water on the north east most part of the map (1990,-959). You’ll see a few Voss glowing around said artifact. Use it and search around in the dream state.
Last but the most in your face is the datacron you fly by leaving the city. You get it by following a long mountain climb starting at -604,314 and going north till you jump up a series of rocks and into a tunnel and bam, its all yours.
My only find on Alderaan so far:
My next find was on Alderaan, so get it before we blow it up. This one i posted a screen shot to but it starts up a mountain, on a wire that has a moving thing…. yeah a thing! (1071,104) you ride it down to a tiny island for another wonderful datacron.
i have screen shots if needed.
you really need to include what sector the maps like “high security lockdown” is for some of these guides. As a 50 coming back to get these datacrons it’s difficult to remember somewhere i was a month ago
So Im guessing Sith are unable to get the Repbulic Datacrons
Thanks or the guides! But please please please include under the Key Facts section for each datacron/cube what the zone/area map is that the item is located in. Some of us have completed questing in the areas and trying to find sub-areas (where the guides often start) is proving very frustrating. The closest taxi location would be very helpful!
The way to the Cunning datacron:
Taxi to Lower Industrial Sector. from the landing platform go to the East (Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse). From there take the elevator in the SE corner (labeled Systech East Elevator) to the High Security Lockdown. From there follow the guide above.
To the Yellow Matrix Shard:
Taxi to Lower Industrial Sector. from the landing platform go to the East (Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse). From there take the elevator in the SE corner (labeled Systech East Elevator) to the High Security Lockdown. From there go to the far west side of the zone and take either of the two ramps up to Network Security District. From there, follow the guides above.
Yes, but those only work if you have access to the Republic areas. It doesn’t work if you’re Imperial. I’ve tried countless times. Both the Cunning and Yellow Matrix cannot be retrieved by these methods
Once you open up the bonus quest on Nar Shaddaa you are able to get to the republic side via the upper industrial area, once there follow all the directions given to you by Yippo and Brad below.
Take the left off the taxi, then to the SE elevator called Systech West, take it to the Network Security District, then go south and a little east to the High Security Lockdown, and your in the republic area. Hope this helps empire players trying to reach the High Security Lockdown.
I like how so many people complained that there was no details on taxi routes and yet neglected to mention them yourselves.
So, for the +3 Cunning datacron : For Empire players, take the taxi to the upper Industrial sector. Head East into the Republic Research division, and then take the elevator in the Southeast to Systech West. You should then see an exit in the South-Southeast of the map which will lead to the High Security Lockdown area. Coordinates listed on the information on this site will take you from there.
Additional : Sorry, may not have been 100% clear. From the Systech West elevator, choose Network Security District as your destination.
Sorry, but if we knew how to get there, we wouldn’t be asking for how to get there. ๐
Incidentally I found the way to the Cunning datacron: Taxi to Lower Industrial Sector. from the landing platform go to the East (Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse). From there take the elevator in the SE corner (labeled Systech East Elevator) to the High Security Lockdown. From there follow the guide above.
I wanted to add some clarification on the Republic Cunning one. I don’t know if the code is some sort of easter egg from the movies, but the actual number comes from this <,<
The game has references to everything in game, it's not some stupid reference to anything outside the game.
I wanted to add some clarification on the Republic Cunning one. I donโt know if the code is some sort of easter egg from the movies, but the actual number comes from this <,<
This screenshot is where the Matrix one is, since both are somewhat linked game offers hints there.
The game has references to everything in game, it's not some stupid reference to anything outside the game.
For the datacron at X: -3362, Y: -3316
Republic โ Aim +3
When jumping from the 1st container to the second use the lower crate. If you use the one stacked two high you’ll just bang your head on the ceiling.
The dev that placed these datacrons must be a Super Mario Brothers freak.
So I get to the 3 str empire datacron and it tells me that I need to complete missions before I can access it? What is that about?
You have the maximum number of quests in your quest list. You have to abandon one quest or to finish any quest to make 1 free space and then you will be able to collect the datacron.
where is the yellow shard for Sith. can anyone help.
You guys may want to switch around the numbering for republic cunning+3 and strength+3. makes this really tedious if you are actually following them by order.
if you dont know where the high sec lockdown sector for the cunning+3 cron go to the high profile ward and jump off the cliff next to the taxy. just be sure ur quick travel is up cause u wont have a clue how to leave
Can anyone please explain to me the technique in jumping to the last pipe for the yellow matrix shard? I have tried about 30 times now and always get to last pipe and my character doesn’t jump to it she just drops off her current pipe. Am I doing something wrong?
So I was able to get to the last pipe by jumping in the air and pressing w in mid air. Now I can’t get to the ledge. -.- I give up.
The Empire +3 Aim datacron entry: “Galactic History 33: Dromund Kass”.
Empire +3 Datacron: At the canvas you can not fall through the holes IN the canvas, however you can fall between space between the railing & the canvas.
The instructions and images for the Empire +3 STR are spot on. Got it first time. The data tablet on the ledge near the Datacron will take you back to the manned taxi pad.
not sure if anyone else picked up on this for the empire – strenght +3. after you jump on the first pipe if you go to the end of the pipe the one below it sticks out just enough to jump to it, sort fall no real damage taken. then you can back up and jump to the ledge. I healed just to be on the safe side. then jump down to were the taxi is.
The Datacron in the Incinerator Room is #34 in your Codex, the one in Network Security, requiring the Slot Decoder is #36. Makes it easier if you’re trying to track down specific ones you missed while leveling.
Empire’s Cunning is same as Republics, Just a note to those, like me didn’t pick that up. Both Factions have 5 crons on Nar.
The one in the Cunning one has no symbol over it and can’t be used by my Sith.
ok just found the solution….it seems like you can’t access a Datacron if your mission log is full.
Republic Aim how do you go up the pylon every time try walk, run, or ride up them I fall off tried lots. what is the trick?
try dragging mouse/right click to provide an over head view. I’ve often found that helpful
What are the codes in the incinerator room. I think they changed them.
just a note the jump from the first elevator to the awning in the empire presence plus three datacron quest is cruel. Have you got any tips to make this easier so I don’t fall short? I am playing with a sith marauder.
Presence +3 empire datacron a pain get close to awning but can’t make jump fall short as sith marauder, need sorcerer or operative to grapple me over or maybe jedi knight force push once i’m airborne to make jump from boxes to awning.
For the PRESENCE datacron, the hard one with all of the pipe jumps, I found an easy way to make those jumps.. Count 6 cubes back from the corner where the tubes meet. Then just jump at an angle from there. Do the same to make the 3rd jump. It makes it so much easier. Also if you get stuck later on after the elevator, do NOT push /stuck, but instead use a pot to reset yourself in the same spot and then jump back.
SO after you get the Slot Decoder (check your mail for the actual decoder) then go for the yellow matrix shard
I know You are probably aware that the Cunning Datacron on Narshadda is in the incinerator room for Empire as well as Republic. You just have to get there from the other side, via the republic version of the labs in upper industrial center. You just don’t have to go through the safe zone there for ‘pubs. Just through the mutually dangerous area where the other, hard to get to one is that requires the slot bar thingy bobb 8^)
for Nar Shaddaa Empire Aim + 3, Could you post a picture of the map, both local AND world? please?
wait you already have that, hehe sorry
While trying to get the Cunning 3+ datacron I was confused as to which map area to go to. Although you mention the High Security Lockdown, I didn’t remember where that was, or what taxi point it was closest to and was going all over the place, it was taking me forever and I was getting a little frustrated as I felt the directions weren’t clear enough for me. Eventually I ended up asking my fiance if he knew what taxi I had to go to. Fortunately he did know where he was going and I was able to find the datacron and slot decoder, by going to the Industrial Sector first.
did you guys notice there is a datapad near the datacron slot machine with ‘maintainance overrides’: codes =
ventilation: 3918
hydro works: 3782
incinerator: 3827
There is a new datacron on Nar Shaddaa (X: 2242 Y: 3050 Z: -1537). I found it on the wy to the REPUBLIC Strength +3 (now Mastery +3) datacron. The cinematic has top and bottom bars like the new expansions, but it didn’t give me anything. (I don’t have the expansions.) Does anyone know if it is related to the expansions?
I noticed that one today. I was about to ask if anyone knew if they moved the Republic Str +3 one there or if I still have to play the jumping game.
On the cunning +3(now mastery +3) orange datacron. Amend the walk through on where to start. I finally got to the high sec lock down by starting at the upper industrial sector taxi, then to the republic research division, then network security district and finally the high sec lock down where all the pics became useful. I did this on Imp side.