Willpower +2Coordinates:X: 529, Y: 65Additional information:You can actually see this datacron glowing almost the moment you leave the taxi station, the first time you go to Lower Wilds. | key facts
Datacron name: Willpower +2 Planet: Korriban Coordinates: X: 529, Y: 65 Codex: Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts advertisement |
Endurance +2Coordinates:X: 150, Y: 78Additional information:This datacron is next to the shuttle that will take you off the starting planet. | key facts
Datacron name: Endurance +2 Planet: Korriban Coordinates: X: 150, Y: 78 Codex: Galactic History 15: Mandalore advertisement |
Red Matrix ShardCoordinates:X: -55, Y: 379Additional information:This datacron is in the open area right before you go into the tombs where [Heroic] quests are. | key facts
Datacron name: Red Matrix Shard Planet: Korriban Coordinates: X: -55, Y: 379 Codex: Galactic History 17: The Duinuogwuin Contention advertisement |
In the Sith Academy above the rooms with trainers there are two glowing datacrons. But they are just lore objects(Codex entry and XP).
The Endurance Datacron is in a slightly different spot than posted above (that was the location during beta).
It’s no longer on the metal overhang, rather it’s behind a tall wall to the right of the same overhang.
In the Lower Wilds, there is a +2 Willpower Datacron located at 531,63. It’s easily identifiable by the purple glow on the left as you fly in on the taxi.
On the Red Matrix shard. ..My only additional comment would be for the location of the tunnel that takes you to the Tomb of Tulak Hord. As a resident of Hutta, i had no idea how to get there 🙂
Which is west of the shuttle, below the “of” in “Valley of the Dark Lords” on the map. That T in the road. (I had to explore a bit, even though I started on Korriban)
Why would it tell me i need to complete missions to get this?
GH15 has moved, if you stand as on the picture you have to turn 180 degrees and walk out on a small piece of sand. No more than 15 meters or so away.