Ilum Datacrons


Aim +4


X: 920, Y: 1075

Additional information:

Step 1) start at x: 942, Y: -11
Step 2) move forward hugging the right wall
Step 3) enter exhaustion zone
Step 4) see Datacron and run for your life
Step 5) either collect Datacron, or die trying! and then try again

We would like to thank Elapsed for additional information and screenshots.

key facts
Datacron name: Aim +4
Planet: Ilum
Coordinates: X: 920, Y: 1075
Codex: Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds

Endurance +4


X: 107, Y: -72

Additional information:

I found this one while doing the Quest Shoring Up Defenses, I was at the point in the quest where I had to deactivate the Southern Shield Generator. If you look off the edge of the cliff to the North ( Map North ) you can see it. I just dropped down from edge to edge. It isn’t really hard but here are pictures.

After I got it I headed North and found that there were elevators that took you up / down, but this is by far the easier way to get down. Less fighting and you are already there for the Daily on Ilum.

We would like to thank Xodric for sending us additional information.

key facts
Datacron name: Endurance +4
Planet: Ilum
Coordinates: X: 107, Y: -72
Codex: Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup

Red Matrix Shard


X: 543, Y: 544

Additional information:

Datacron is located on top of the Republic base in a small tent. There is an elite that go around near the tent, but you can wait a few seconds and then sneak in the tent.

We would like to thank iliss and Malyce for additional information and screenshots.

key facts
Datacron name: Red Matrix Shard
Planet: Ilum
Coordinates: X: 543, Y: 544
Codex: Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council

Willpower +4


X: 304, Y: -1568

Additional information:

Far north and the west end of the valley. The start point is behind the republic camp, but imperials should be able to go around to get to this spot.
Valley is full of various Lisk creatures and there is 1 point where the valley walls narrow and you’ll need to fight 2 groups of 2-3 mobs. (or just run past them and let your companion get killed, like I did.)
Once at the cave continue to the rear avoiding the 3+ mobs inside to the datacron.

Also you don’t need to fight the champion mob inside the cave, there is a path around the rock where you can avoid the champion.

We would like to thank Fizen for additional information.

key facts
Datacron name: Willpower +4
Planet: Ilum
Coordinates: X: 304, Y: -1568
Codex: Galactic History 87: A Wayward Apprentice

Yellow Matrix Shard


X: 308, Y: -380

Additional information:

This datacron is located outside the Imperial Base.

We would like to thank Craig for additional information.

key facts
Datacron name: Yellow Matrix Shard
Planet: Ilum
Coordinates: X: 308, Y: -380
Codex: Galactic History 86: The Empire’s Revenge

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30 Responses to Ilum Datacrons

  1. Comment by Kind made on January 25, 2012 at 7:17 pm

    This datacron is actually a YELLOW shard

  2. Comment by cbrown2300 made on January 27, 2012 at 8:45 pm

    WillPower +4 What are the coords for the jumping off point? The cave is down in the valley. . Do I jump down? Your start point and description and how to get to it is vague.

    • Comment by cbrown2300 made on January 27, 2012 at 9:08 pm

      I’m all about details, proficiency and getting to my objectives quickly with everything explained. Unlike previous person, to get to Willpower +4.. Step off edge of the cliff at 942, -10. Step down or walk /traverse the side of the cliff /hill down to the “Valley”. Turn .. and head down the Valley channel center towards the cave indicated above. Once you enter the cave, head past the Gold/Yellow MOB “Tyrant Lisk”.. Go around the Green colored Quarts Crystals.. The datacron is on the backside.

      • Comment by sparky made on February 19, 2012 at 12:09 am

        The world boss is inside on the right. To the right side of the elite you see standing there in the middle, you’ll see a large green crystal with a path around the back on the right side of it. Behind there is the datacron. And you fall down into the ravine from the farmost right side of it.

  3. Comment by Galaed'riel made on February 5, 2012 at 11:10 am

    For some buggy reasons, Player coordinates say 539, -11. But it is there at 545, 543 cursor coordinates.
    Go figure. 🙂

  4. Comment by Brandon made on February 17, 2012 at 4:50 pm

    The start-at coordinates for the Aim datacron are incorrect – should start in the corner at approximately X: 960, Y: 994 (NOT y: -11).

    The area map’s Player Location is bugged! The map will say the player is at about 960/-11, but it’s bugged – the coordinates given on the minimap & by the cursor are what I listed above.

  5. Comment by Nlightened made on March 3, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    Endurance +4
    Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup
    50 X: 103, Y: -80

    Willpower +4
    Galactic History 87: A Wayward Apprentice
    50 X: 304, Y: -1568

    Red Matrix Shard

    Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council
    50 X: -55, Y: 379

    Aim +4
    Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds
    50 X:920, Y:1075

    Yellow Matrix Shard
    Galactic History 86: The Empire’s Revenge
    50 X: 311, Y: -377

    Red Matrix Shard
    Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council
    50 X: -55, Y: 379

  6. Comment by Blackthorne made on March 5, 2012 at 7:14 pm

    The entrance to the starting area for the Endurance datacron is phased. How can a Republic player get to the area?

    • Comment by Dave made on March 10, 2012 at 5:57 am

      Use the elevators at 212, -109, -3.

  7. Comment by Tenaka made on March 5, 2012 at 8:08 pm

    Aim Datacron instructions are laughable.

    Start here and head vaguely in that direction into the low visibility snowstorm.

    I’ve turned off my ui in screenshot so you have little hope of seeing where it is you are actually aiming for but good luck and enjoy multiple deaths.

    • Comment by Tenaka made on March 5, 2012 at 8:20 pm

      To help anyone else the instructions should clarify that you hug that right wall ALL the way to the Datacron. As you get near the datacron you exit the exhaustion zone and can safely catch a breath before collecting it.

      It’s not just important when approaching the Exhaustion Zone border as the steps imply.

      And once you hit that border you will not see the datacron at all for a good few seconds of blind running but keep that wall to your right and you will make it easily at level 50 health (My commando made to safe area with 50% health using only Bacta infusion whilst running the once).

  8. Comment by kiskis made on March 26, 2012 at 2:57 am


    • Comment by Raith made on April 15, 2012 at 11:56 am

      Aim +4 to reach it safely either carry a Medpac or trigger your heroic moment

  9. Comment by Scorylance made on April 18, 2012 at 6:19 am

    for the aim datacron i started at x1011, y-10. the datacron was located at x924, y-10. its in the eastern ice shelf area right by the southern sleetlands. Start in that area turning right by the wall, go straight and exit exhaustion area to get datacron.

  10. Comment by Rob made on April 29, 2012 at 7:48 am

    The starting coordinates for the Aim +4 datacron are wrong. It can’t be 942, -11 because the bottom right corner of the map are + + coordinates.

  11. Comment by Rob made on April 29, 2012 at 8:27 am

    Just so everyone knows. When turning on the world map. the coordinates it shows for your location are x,Z coordinates, not X,Y.

    If you move while the map is on, the Z coordinate will changes to the Y coordinate. If you want to see for yourself, walk with the map on, look at your coordinates while you’re moving. Stop moving. Note your coordinates. Turn the map off, then back on again and PRESTO, wrong coordinates. Happens every time. It’s a bug with the world map.

  12. Comment by Rob made on April 29, 2012 at 8:28 am

    Also the world map pic for Endurance +4 is a joke. Maybe not having your cursor over yourself would help.

  13. Comment by [ĶłŁŁĶЯĀŽłΞ] made on May 2, 2012 at 4:34 am

    better endurance map

  14. Comment by Nordagga made on June 5, 2012 at 8:36 pm

    The Codex entry for Willpower datacron on Ilum is #87 The Wayward Apprentice.

  15. Comment by Valronna made on June 27, 2012 at 7:53 am

    The +4 willpower datacron on Ilum gives you the codex entry “Galactic History 87: A Wayward Apprentice” This information is currently missing from the walk-through.

  16. Comment by Momo made on August 14, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    codex entry for the Willpower +4 datacron is “Galactic History 87: A Wayward Apprentice”

  17. Comment by J made on August 18, 2012 at 6:22 am

    I don’t understand! I can’t activate the Datacron for Endurance! Was there some trick with the elevators I didn’t do right, other than simply going down safely? It’s right there, in plain view!

  18. Comment by Agurk made on September 2, 2012 at 11:36 pm

    the Willpower +4 on ilum is codex 87: A Waywould Aprentice. please exuse the spelling I hope this helps with you info I noticed it wasnt there 🙂

    • Comment by chuck made on November 16, 2012 at 1:42 am

      I also can’t activate endurance

  19. Comment by Rocks made on January 29, 2013 at 4:04 pm

    wp is codex 87, at least on rep

    • Comment by DJ Emir made on May 10, 2013 at 8:18 am

      If you can’t activate a datacron it is usually because your mission logs are full. A datacron counts as a mission and requires one mission slot to be available for you to activate it. I wish they’d raise the mission log cap to 35 or 50 at least for level 40+ or 50+ since at that point you have so many daily missions, weeklies etc… that it takes up your entire mission log.

  20. Comment by Keleeshi made on October 27, 2016 at 9:42 pm

    There’s also one in the Republic base. Where’s the instructions for that one???

  21. Comment by Keleeshi made on October 27, 2016 at 9:44 pm

    There are no instructions for the one at the Republic base.

    • Comment by Keleeshi made on October 27, 2016 at 9:46 pm


  22. Comment by Moab made on March 25, 2021 at 1:14 pm

    Tnx man