Willpower +4Coordinates:X: -501, Y: 768Additional information:This datacron is located in the High Security Section. The path to the Datacron starts at coordinates X:-841,Y:791.This datacron unlocks codex entry Galactic History 72: The Fall of the Covenant We would like to thank Marleth for sending us the screenshots and datacron information. | key facts
Datacron name: Willpower +4 Planet: Belsavis Coordinates: X: -501, Y: 768 Codex: Galactic History 72: The Fall of the Covenant advertisement |
Endurance +4Coordinates:X: -992, Y: -450Additional information:In the High Security Section. Far North, go to the left side, you see an area along the cliff side that is open, there is a cave leading down into the rocks. Inside are some level 42 Strong, Elites, and a Champion standing at the datacron.We would like to thank David for sending us information about this datacron.
| key facts
Datacron name: Endurance +4 Planet: Belsavis Coordinates: X: -992, Y: -450 Codex: Galactic History 69: The Mandalorian Wars advertisement |
Presence +4Coordinates:X: -1915, Y: -476Additional information:This datacron is located in the Maximum Security Section. Start from Ops Center and follow the pink road on the third screenshot where you can enter a tiny cave at (-2135,-173) near the black rock and follow the cliff around to the datacron.We would like to thank Jec and Holo for sending us additional information and screenshots.
| key facts
Datacron name: Presence +4 Planet: Belsavis Coordinates: X: -1915, Y: -476 Codex: Galactic History 70: The Covenant Acts advertisement |
Aim +4Coordinates:X: -785, Y: -1930Additional information:This datacron is located in the middle of a lava lake up on a rock structure. With the Game Update 1.2 the “invisible” bridge has been fixed and you can use it to get the datacron.We would like to thank Sigrah – Juggernaut of Giradda the Hutt for sending us additional information and screenshots.
| key facts
Datacron name: Aim +4 Planet: Belsavis Coordinates: X: -785, Y: -1930 Codex: Galactic History 68: The Mandalorians Return |
Green Matrix ShardCoordinates:X: -315, Y: -2172Additional information:This is a terribly time consuming datacron to get. You need to collect 4x Rakata Energy Cube that spawn randomly at certain points around the Tomb area and supposedly High Security area of Belsavis. It took me at lest 5 hours spread over several tries before I collected all four. If you have friends that collected some your group can use the device at the end and all will get the datacron. During your time questing on Belsavis keep an eye out for these – they are a pain to get later.I would like to extend a big THANK YOU to the people on the official forums that posted the coordinates and map images that helped me find the Rakata cubes. We would also like to thank Keziah for additional screenshots and information about Rakata Energy Cube. These screenshots (for Rakata Energy Cube) are taken in consecutive order (the order they spawned – just in case there is a pattern). They stack up to 4, and you can have more than 4 (I picked up 16). They can be traded as well.
| key facts
Datacron name: Green Matrix Shard Planet: Belsavis Coordinates: X: -315, Y: -2172 Codex: Galactic History 71: The Muur Talisman |
There is a Rakata Energy Cube combiner near -332, 62 that when activated with the correct materials will reveal a Datacron. Haven’t figured it out yet
I saw this one too, anyone got info on it?
you need to find these rakata data cubes 4 of them around belsalvis and use those to activate the machine.
I wanted to pick up some of these cubes for another player to save him a little time; it seems you can’t collect the cubes anymore after you activated the datacron. Probably I can go there with another character to collect these – still it’s a bit of a bummer. After all the empty datacron on Hoth drops everytime you defeat the rogue probe.
+4 Presence Datacron on Voss in The Nightmare Lands, Lake of the Unseen at X:2001 Y:-940 Z:27
wouldn’t this be better posted on the Voss Datacron page?
^ Why??? this is from Belsavis, talk about troll.
He’s responding to the comment made by previous poster specifically stating there is a +4 presence d’cron on Voss in the nightmare lands…….herp derp.
L2 Read all the comments… wasn’t trolling. Was replying to the one about Voss…
Endurance +4 X: -991, Y: -449
In the High Security Section. Far North, go to the left side, you see an area along the cliff side that is open, at -904 . -385 there is a cave leading down into the rocks. Inside are some level 42 Strong, Elites, and a Champion standing at the datacron.
Presence +4 is at -1900, -475
Additional Information:
Enter a tiny cave at (-2135,-173) and follow the cliff around to the datacron. I can provide walkthrough if requested.
To get back out without using QT – when you get to the high ledge you can’t jump up on, go to it’s back corner against the snow, jump once so that you’re partially up the snowbank, then use /stuck…it placed me right on top & I could run the rest of the way out.
Endurance +4
X: -991, Y: -449
Gives Codex: 69: The Mandalorian Wars
+4 Aim
The Tomb (-788,-1925) in a pit of lava is an island, a teleport pad, and a datacron 😀
The bridge dosn’t work
bridge doesn’t seem to work for me either
thebridge worked for me i stood onthe right side of the outcrop above bridge and faced my back to the datacron and looked down with my camera you can now see the bridge very clear but is very narrow i then edged slowly backwards in line with the bridge until i dropped was on edge of bridge still but it worked
The bridge has clearly been fixed sometime after patch 1.1.5, and the “alternative” route shown on the earlier videos about getting onto the edge of the chasm to drop down has been blocked by the addition of a large fungal growth.
There is a Green Matrix Shard listed on the main page for Belsavis but isn’t listed here…anyone found it?
I just found the rakata cube at x -746 y -1786 on the ground.
The cube have a respawn time
location of Rakata Energy Cube 1 : x-379 y:-2481 z: 148
location 2 : z:-143 y:-1791 z:136
location 3 : z:-437 y:-2179 z: 163
these are coordinates i found them at
(in the order of the circuit I was using)
x-737, y-1789, z136
x-703, y-1963, z152
x-437, y-2180, z164
x-381, y-2480, z140
x-247, y-2307, z166
x169, y-2097, z136
x-158, y-2010, z178
x-482, y-1614, z142
> location 2 : z:-143 y:-1791 z:136
That’s inside a block of ice. Which is not even in the correct area.
Does this matrix cube have to be done with a group?
I’ve gathered several screenshots of my gathering the Rakata Energy Cubes here:
These screenshots are taken in consecutive order (the order they spawned – just in case there is a pattern). They stack up to 4, and you can have more than 4 (I picked up 16). They can be traded as well.
This page is down.
The monster guarding the Endurance +4 datacron is a level 41 Long Claw with 67775 health.
can you update the map with numbers showing where each cube is pls
For the Green Matrix Shard here, there are only 8 spawn locations, most of your examples are repeats. You can reliably find them very quickly if you follow this path in purple, red spots are where they spawn:
http : / / / cubes.jpg
h t t p : / / / cubes.jpg if there’s some kind of spam prevention that keeps me from posting links…
Your spawn points are for Electrium Caches, not the Rakata Energy Cubes. Thanks for linking your worthless pic.
Coincidentally, yes there is also electrum. But also where the Cubes spawn.
Following the map, I got 12 cubes in about 90 minutes. I can confirm they spawned at almost all the locations shown.
The only one I didn’t find a cube at was the most western point, near the lava pit.
This link is down. And there are at least 9 confirmed spawn points.
Green Matrix Shard,
I was lucky and found all rakata cubes within 15 minutes. When I visited a datacrone cave, some player was there activating a datacrone right before me. I don’t know how long before me it was activated, definitelly didn’t see anything from “fireworks” on screenshot, just datacrone cube as usual. We were not in any party or so but I was able to use his spawned datacrone like usuall free datacrone. counted in my codex stats but I still have all 4 cubes.
I’m guessing the same thing happened to me. As I was able to just go up to the datacron and loot it like normal without having to use the cubes. (they are still in my inventory)
I found one at:
Minimum Security Section
X: 636
Y: 290
Ignore that I got it wrong sorry
I was expecting to spend a ton of time on this one, as you suggested. But the map you provided for the Tomb locations was spot on. I went to every loc, and though I didn’t find one at any of the locations you originally did, I did find them all at the other locations marked by the stars. It only took me three laps before I got all four. About 30 mins work. Good stuff! Thanks for making it easy for us all.
You need to revise your number of rakata cube locations there are a lot of doubles posted. check the map coordinates, there are only about 8 locations not 16.
How many Rakata Cubes do you need
For everybody that like me didn’t make the speederjump to the datacron in the lavalake, but ended up on a ledge lower on the rock: you can type /stuck.. It wil get you to the rock with the buggy jump. But you’ll get a hang of that buggy jump after several times. 🙂 With /stuck the retry time reduces a lot.
There must be a pre-req to the green shard datacron. I turned in the cubes, got the fireworks, but then couldn’t click the datacron. It gave a message saying more missions were required before I could complete this mission or something. Level 42.
Your quest log is full.
For the Aim +4 DC, I kept coming up short on the jump when using my %110 speed Prazon Zeno. Switched over to my %90 speed Longspur Scout and made it on the first jump. i would recommend using your smallest ride for this jump.
As far as the Belsavis Aim datacron…do the jump on the rock and over the opening as described. Get off your speeder and walk the narrow ledge and hop up. Couldn’t jump onto the rock with the datacron, so here is another solution if you have a Jedi Knight friend or are a Jedi Knight and have a friend that doesn’t mind being thrown around. Go stand at (-825, -1919), it is another slightly larger ledge that is a bit further than the ledge described here. Stand with your back to the datacron area, roughly in the middle of the ledge area, and have the Jedi Knight force push you back. You will land on top of the rock, and then have the Jedi Knight force leap at you. Then, just drop down and take your datacron.
The aim datacron: 1.2 now lets you use the light bridge to get it more easily
There’s also a giant mushroom on the side of the rock now so you can’t use the terrain bug. but bridge does work just have to look straight down and hit it.
with game update 1.2, the glitch method is no longer valid, theres a giant plant frond in the way and you can no longer jump up the sloping rock and go around the edges
Hi. Just tried this (4/13) after the 1.2 update on Jedi Covenant. The clear bridge to the +4 Aim datacron is working.
I can confirm this. The invisible bridge is now actually a bridge. You do just what Indiana Jones had to do in The Last Crusade.
I made it to the aim +4 cube on the island in the lava using the ‘invisibe’ bridge. this was done post 1.2 “Legacy” update so it may have been fixed.
1.2 has shoved a huge mushroom on the rocks so you can’t exploit the terrain no more.
I just accessed the +4 Aim Datacron on Belsavis using the light bridge. Maybe they fixed it with 1.2
Thank you so much I was having so much trouble finding the energy cubes
what BS!
I found an Energy Cube at coordinates
X: -378 Y: -2482 Z: 148
I found a Rakata Energy Cube at -2435, 42 in Maximum Security as well.
And in the time it took me to bring this site up, get the coordinates and post it, it respawned 🙂
for those that look at the last 16 screen shots. some of those are duplicates and there is even 3 screen shots for one of the sites. there are only 8 locations from the pictures
sorry forgot to add that i was talking about the green shard.
The guide for the +4 willpower datacron is an epic failure. Screenshots are no help and are showing the wrong spot for finding this datacron.
The loc for the starting path for Willpower datacron is -830, 780, then it’s a straight shot through the wall. Ignore the maps, but the images are accurate.
Green Matrix Shard are now in Balmorra in Mision “Big Guns”, Down Level 2.
Rakata Energy Cube No 10 and No 13 are the same location.
No 8 and 12 are also same location
No. 7 and 16 are same location
No. 6 and 11 are the same location.
No. 5 and 14 are same location.
No. 3 and 7 and 16 are the same location.
No. 2 and 5 and 14 are the same location.
No. 1 and 3 and 7 and 16 are same location.
I often find an energy cube at -2435, 44
Max Sec, up on a ledge
Take note that while questing on low level toons keep an eye open for the Rakata energy nodes,. I can confirm that they spawn anywhere on the map, not only the Tomb & High Security Lockdown Areas.
Maybe don’t deliberately cover up the cursor…
Energy cube sighted 2x in the Minimum Security Station, Varactyl Vale at (351, 1390, 284). Good luck hunting!
Rakata energy cube at X: 170 Y: -2096
It also respawned in that same spot, which was nice.
Also found one at X: -246 Y: -2311. It also respawned in that same spot after a short while, wonder if it always does that.
SO, the first couple of screens for the first datacron are completely useless. Also, if you show a map, at least show a map that has the player’s location, becasue otehrwise, it’s SAY IT WITH ME completely useless.