Imperial Agent

All info for SW: The Old Republic companion Vector Hyllus with descriptions, images and other relevant information to help your SWTOR experience. Continue reading

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All info for SW: The Old Republic companion Doctor Eckard Lokin with descriptions, images and other relevant information to help your SWTOR experience. Continue reading

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All info for SW: The Old Republic companion Ensign Raina Temple with descriptions, images and other relevant information to help your SWTOR experience. Continue reading

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All info for SW: The Old Republic companion Scorpio with descriptions, images and other relevant information to help your SWTOR experience. Continue reading

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All info for SW: The Old Republic companion Kaliyo D’jannis with descriptions, images and other relevant information to help your SWTOR experience. Continue reading

Posted in Imperial Agent | Tagged , , , , , | 18 Comments
Posted in Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent, Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor, Sith Warrior, Smuggler, Trooper | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on List of Companions in Star Wars: The Old Republic