The Juran Mountains

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X: 1305, Y: 1277

Original Game Codex Text

The majestic Juran Mountains have been the site of many conflicts in recent years. During the Battle of Alderaan, Republic resistance fighters sought refuge in the mountains, using the natural cover to hide from the invading Imperial forces. It was here that Captain Jace Malcom led Havoc Squad in an ambush against Darth Malgus; with the help of Satele Shan, the Republic troopers were able to triumph over the powerful Sith Lord.After a few short years of peace, violence has once again erupted in the area. House Ulgo, backed by its vassals in House Rist, has occupied the region and is locked in a brutal conflict with the forces of House Thul and House Organa.

key facts
Level: 29
Planet: Alderaan