The Gauntlet Superweapon (Trooper)

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Imperial engineers have created a deadly new device code-named “Gauntlet.” This massive turbolaser cannon fires charged tachyonic matter capable of traveling faster than lightspeed. Combined with a unique targeting array using the same technology as hyperwave relays, the Gauntlet can select and destroy enemy starships while they are still traveling through hyperspace.A single shot from the Gauntlet can annihilate even the largest Republic dreadnought, giving the Empire a crushingly decisive advantage in the war. It is worth noting that unlike many superweapons–which seem designed to inflict casualties on large populations–the Gauntlet is that rare device that permits highly-selective targeting. It is possible to fire the Gauntlet without ever endangering civilians.

key facts
Faction: Republic
Class: Trooper
Level: 40
Planet: Unknown Planet