Senator Evran (Trooper)

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Senator Evran is one of the most influential Senators in the entire Republic and a close personal friend of Supreme Chancellor Janarus. Evran’s cleverness and talent for vocal persuasion have earned him the affectionate moniker “Coruscant’s aurodium voice.” Privately, General Garza refers to him by a different nickname: “the armchair general.”Evran is obsessed with the Voss Mystics’ ability to see the future and he believes an alliance with the Voss will win the war. To this end, he has used his influence to keep a large contingent of Republic soldiers garrisoned at the space station orbiting Voss, despite the desperate need for troops elsewhere. In Senator Evran’s scenario, his Republic forces will save the day when the Empire inevitably strikes at Voss, and thus win over the Voss people.

key facts
Faction: Republic
Class: Trooper
Level: 44
Planet: Voss