Operation: Glass Echo (Agent)

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Original Game Codex Text

Category: Information Gathering / Threat Elimination Location: Nar Shaddaa Date: Classified Primary: Cipher Nine Secondary: Watcher XOperational Summary: Chatter indicated that Nar Shaddaa was the source of weapons, supplies, stimulants used by the Eagle’s terrorist network. Retired asset Watcher X was chosen to assist primary (Cipher Nine) due to extensive local knowledge.The terror cell was identified as operating out of VerveGen, a local medical corporation. Leadership was eliminated and data retrieved.Notes: Watcher X’s part in this operation is covered in [redacted].Cross-reference: Watcher X, VerveGen, Eagle, Dominator, Shadow Town, Cyclone, Protean

key facts
Faction: Empire
Class: Imperial Agent
Level: 20
Planet: Nar Shaddaa